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Flash/fill flash in snow


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<p>Are there any general rules for using a flash when shooting snow on the ground in low light? I shoot a lot of things like tree branches lying on the ground in the snow, and sometimes I like to capture the detail in the snow itself. Certainly I wouldn't want a flash to make the snow a washed-out mass. Any recommendations? Any tricks or rules to watch out for when using a flash in snow? I am kind of a beginner. Thank you.</p>
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<p>Hi Jen,<br>

I'd have to say not being anywhere near a Pro even though gear gathered over the years looks like it.<br>

So in a quick answer, I'd set your flash with some diffuser used, maybe even a bounced reflector and then set camera to AUTO and take a sample. Being set to Auto bypasses all these settings. But you can see the settings used.<br>

Seeing what the camera chose, reset a value in manual to alter shutter speed, F stop, flash output, film speed.<br>

*The reflected off camera bounce,<br>

the lighting will give much more depth in contrast vs a flat look from direct fired flash aimed straight at the ground.</p>

<p>You can get some idea of this tactic, and never step in the snow, just yet anyway, on a bright white wall.<br>

Set up a test object on the wall, a favorite sock even, as if it was a stick of wood on the ground.<br>

Now try Auto to altered Manual, and I bet you find a happy setting before you get your snow boots on. <br>


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