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Optics of Mamiya 7II Lenses Versus Fuji GX617 Lenses


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I'm a happy Mamiya 7II owner and love the tack sharp optics of the lenses in its range. I can shoot with almost equal quality in sharpness and detail with the lenses

wide open opposed to them stopped down. They don't flare, they don't distort, and I love them - they're great. I'm considering the purchase of a GX617 ( I want a

choice in lens focal length ) and am curious if anyone out there has used both of these cameras to compare the optics of the two systems? I'd ask Philip, but he's in

Alaska . . .


Can the Fuji lenses be as sharp wide open as they are stopped down? Are they sharp or soft in the corners? Will I have to stop down to f/16 to get tack sharp images

that equal f/4 shots on the Mamiya lenses? Is is safe to assume that all rangefinder lenses will be very sharp lenses, or does the 7II just have great lenses? What are

your overall impressions of the Fuji GX617 lenses? Thank you for your help - these expensive toys require lots of thought before purchasing.

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The lens of thge GX617 will never be as good - given the coverage required 5x7 it is just a fact of life. You need to shoot at F16 - F22 for optimal sharpness with a camera like the 617. If you shoot the fuji wide open your images will be soft. Also given the focal length your going to need all the DOF you can get.
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