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Film Processing (Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador)


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<p>Hi everyone,</p>

<p>I've bumped into this site alot looking for answers and I've found great ones here. But now it's time for me to post my first question on this board :)<br>

I've searched the forum for this question and have found some answers. I hope to find some more and some that are a bit newer.<br>

So I'm going to South America, more specifically Argentina, Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador, in one week from today. I'll be away for a about five months and therefore I'd like to process some film while I'm there, main reason being I'd like to post up pictures to flickr and a blog while traveling.<br>

My needs aren't that big, because I'll be traveling with a friend and together we have a EOS 7D which we'll shoot alot of video with. But I'll be bringing a Yashica T4 Super as a second camera / backup. I'll be bringing about 18 rolls of kodak gold 400 and fuji superia 400..<br>

So my question is, what are the possibilities of get some film processed in Argentina, Bolivia, Peru and Ecudor? And if you've had some processed there please give adress etc.</p>

<p>Big thanks in advance!<br>

Nilas Andersen<br>


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<p>Hi Nilas,<br /> <br /> My editorial work focuses on Amazonian Ecuador, and I lead a tour there also. During my six years of residence and summers up through 2006 when I converted to digital, I had all my slide film processed exclusively at two locations in Quito where most pros went: Fujifilm and Fotorama. I highly recommend them for your print-processing needs as well.<br /> <br /> Fujifilm is the Fuji distributor for Ecuador (near corner of Amazonas and Colon). They will print a roll of 36 and give you 4x6 prints for $9.50. Since you'd like to post them on Flickr, you'll probably want them burned to CD. That's for $4.00 processing included (I verified that with a phone call this morning). There are other print labs along Ave. Amazonas moving south from Fujicolor. <br /> <br /> Now if you need to process slide film, that's a different can of worms. The proliferation of digital technology in Ecuador has rendered slide processing equipment almost obsolete. You will pay a $1.40 PER FRAME for E-6 slide film (that's right, per frame!) at Fujifilm, or $43.20 for a roll of 36! For E-6, possibly Kodachrome and all your print processing, I also highly recommend Fotorama at Roca 231 y Tamayo, about 150 yards down Roca from the Catholic University.</p>


<li> Here's a <a href="http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&ll=-0.203247,-78.48474&spn=0.039568,0.06197&z=15&msid=100729622894734401734.00047e8b4488018cc781d">Google map</a> I made for you which shows these two locations in Quito.</li>



<li>Here's a <a href="http://www.in-quito.com/picture-development-quito-ecuador/quito-picture-development.htm">webpage</a> I found with contact information for these and other labs in Quito. </li>


<p>I won't presume you're not already fluent in Spanish, but once you get a taxi ride, this may help:</p>


<li>I want you to burn these pictures to a CD = "Quiero que me des quemando estas fotos a un CD"</li>



<li>How much does this film cost? = "Cuanto cuesta este rollo de película?"</li>


<p><br /> All the best on your adventure!!<br /> Bruce Farnsworth</p>

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<p>Depending where you're going in Bolivia, I doubt you'll find a prolab except possibly in LaPaz. Bolivia is the second poorest country in the hemisphere behind Haiti. You'll probably find you and your friend will shoot a lot of frames on the 7D, as well as video.</p>

<p>Eighteen rolls of film won't even begin to cover your shooting needs for such an extensive trip. Buy some extra memory cards for the 7D and for landscape shots that you might print large at a later time, take multiple overlapping frames for stitching.</p>

<p>Have a great trip!</p>

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<p>@ Bruce<br>

That may be the best answer/comment on a forum I've ever got. Thank you very much. Great information which I'll definitely use when I arrive to Ecuador.<br>

Great prices, not like in Denmark.</p>


Yeah, that is also the plan. We have 32gbs of CF cards and about 500gbs of storage + a maybe on an extra external hardrive. As I said the analog camera is also only a backup which I won't be using all the time. I'll be traveling light, so I can't bring 100rolls. If I run out of rolls I'll just have to buy some, if I can find any.</p>

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