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Canon 5D MK I and II Sensor Cleaning Problems... Please Help ! :)


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<p>Hi everyone,<br>

i was just wondering is this thread still going?<br>

Because i have a 5D mark I, and to me it looks like i have streaks on my photo's in the top left and right. They can only be seen on blues or greys. if i uploaded a link with the photo's would you have a look and let me know what you think?<br>

I'm in ireland the Canon Ireland want to charge me €100 to clean the lens. Seems like alot of money.</p>



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You should post a crop of the streaks, preferably an out of focus shot of the blue sky or a blank wall at base ISO, f/22. If

there are sensor streaks you'll probably need to do a wet clean, though you may be able to remove them with a

SensorKlear pen, which is a simple job and worth a try as a second cleaning attempt, assuming a blower fails to remove

whatever is causing the problem.

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  • 3 weeks later...
<p>I have been a professional photographer for 20 years and as a photojournalist, I was an early adopter of digital technology. I have used and cleaned dozens of different cameras, nikons and canons and I have never experienced the dust and spotting problems I experience with my Canon 5Dm1. It's a nightmare. I send it in for cleaning twice a year and I usually hit one or two free clinics but it is impossible to keep up with. twice in he last couple of years, i have had to send it back to canon to have them re-clean it after they supposedly cleaned it because it was still a mess. I am intrigued by the mentions of a recall on this thread, although no one at Canon has ever mentioned one in all the times I have sent it in. When I have a moment, I will dig a bit deeper into this mirror-oil issue and post a follow up.</p>
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