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Nikon FE2 with MD12 problem


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From the way the question is worded, it sounds like it only happens with motor drive attached. Was the motor drive switch left switched on? Not that this should make any difference; I'm just looking for clues. Has it happened repeatedly, with more than one camera battery? This has never happened with my FE2/MD12.
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The shutter release on the MD12 activates the camera's metering circuits just as the camera's own release button would do. Evidently in this case the MD12's release button, or a switch that it operates, might be sticky, causing a permanent contact closure once it is pressed. That would account for the problem.


Now that I've though of that, I think the problem's in the MD12.

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The MD15 will power the FA, but the MD12 doesn't power the meter on any of the FM/FE/FA variations. The shutter switch on the vertical grip does turn the meter on in all cases.


The MD12 is supposed to turn itself off after an interval, so if your FE2 functions OK (doesn't drain the battery) on its own, your tech needs to look at the MD12's circuits.


MDs are generally reliable but susceptible to corrosion if battery trays are left in them for long periods on non-use.


You could also search out the Nikon Repair list on Yahoo and pose your question there.

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I haven't had the much luck with Nikon MD's. I have been using

Nikons since the F. Camera's are very reliable. MD's not. The

MD11/12 both failed but lasted longer than the MD3. All of my

MD's have failed in an unreasonibly short time. My first guess is

always the MD. ;<)



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A 'common' fault of heavily used MD-12's is that the switch gets a little 'crushed'. The area around the switch is plastic, and if it gets a little deformed the motor drive is always in 'meter on' mode. In practice, this makes it very similar to an MD-11. I had an MD-12 with this problem, and I didn't bother repairing it for years until I sold it. On mine, if you turned the MD 'off' (with the power switch on the back) the camera meter turned off just fine. You just get in the habit of turning the motor off when you set it down, and turn it on when you pick it up.
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I don´t know if this would apply, but I remember there was a modification to te MD12 for macro users, that would leave the camera meter on constantly (like an MD11), instead of turning off after 8 secs. That is so you could use the cable realese without problems. Maybe your´s has been modified by a previous owner to do this?
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