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Nikon WedNEsDAy PiC 2010: #4

Matt Laur

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<p>Good morning,<br>


My own favourites in this weeks (very nice) series - the ones that really touched me:<br>

- Richard Abston<br>

- Oskar Ojala<br>

- Monika Epsefass<br>

- Andrew Fedon<br>

- Dubravko Grakalic<br>

- Hayley Karl<br>

If I had to choose a number 1, that would undoubtedly be The Granny from Hayley. The power and the energy of that portrait are enormous. With The Snowflake from Oskar and The Airbus from Andrew on an shared honourable second place.<br>

Good light,<br>



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<p>Lots of great pictures again and here's a list of my favorites this week:<br>

<strong>Narayan</strong> - just awesome!<br>

<strong>Jana</strong> - nice colours<br>

<strong>Jennifer</strong> - very calm atmosphere<br>

<strong>Dieter</strong> - best bird picture i've seen for awhile<br>

<strong>Mike </strong>- this image makes me smile everytime! =)<br>

<strong>Aguinaldo</strong> - beatiful sky and nice colours<br>

<strong>Hamish</strong> - i just like this.<br>

<strong>Oskar</strong> - best macro shot of a snowflake seen this winter<br>

<strong>Janne</strong> - looks like the image is made with computer not with camera...i'm impressed! </p>


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<p >Contributors whose shots I found to be particularly interesting this week WedNEsDay 04</p>

<p >Narayan Kovvali – wondered about all the ‘frost’ and then read. Really like the shot.</p>

<p >Shane Srogi – like the colors reflected off the glass, already did research on the site</p>

<p >Jeannean Buglady – so sharp and crisp. Beep Beep… I’m smiling</p>

<p >Jens Frederiksen – you captured the cold and frozen harbor. I like it.</p>

<p >Epp B – well worth the effort, terrific reflections</p>

<p >Tony Hadley – great color and the clouds are perfect</p>

<p >Jose Angel – color, refracted light, this is a great photo</p>

<p >Barry Fisher – you captured the mood Special shot</p>

<p >Alejandro Held – another great shot! The colors are wonderful.</p>

<p >Amy Zlatic – I like it! </p>

<p >P Watson – the Bear is tells a wonderful story, one that bears repeating…</p>

<p >Hamish Gray – the moon, tent and light all play together wonderfully</p>

<p >Oskar Ojala – very nice, I’m glad that the photo will live on.</p>

<p >Paul V. Gorky – I wonder what he’s thinking, great shot!</p>

<p >Tim Holte – just the right touch of color sets it off so well.</p>

<p >Peng Wichakool – great fence, the lines, the snow, the perspective all work.</p>

<p >Roberta Davidson – hands down, my favorite!</p>

<p >Thomas Burden – love the shot, which subject is more fascinated? ;-)</p>

<p >Sankha Hota – looked at it over and over, really like your captured motion of flight</p>

<p >Eugene Anikin – a shot that made me pause and look again, yes, even the smoke is clear</p>

<p >Tiffany Brook – such a wonderful shot of a child enjoying life…. A real keeper!</p>

<p >Filip Lucin – the tree surrounds the subject, I jump to the people and then back again</p>

<p >Michael Axel – I’m a sucker for B&W winter scenes. Thanks!</p>

<p >Vineet Rajasekhar – no ‘mucking about’ in your shot, it’s terrific!!!</p>

<p >Erik Christensen – the “watchlady” Great shot. Beautifully captured.</p>



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<p>For those who are new to photo.net and/or to the Wednesday threads, as Matt posted at the beginning, you can find <strong>the guidelines to the Wednesday image threads</strong> here: <a href="http://static.photo.net/attachments/bboard/00T/00TXZt-140227584.jpg">http://static.photo.net/attachments/bboard/00T/00TXZt-140227584.jpg</a><br>

<br />And you can find <strong>photo.net's general Community Guidelines</strong> here: <a href="../info/guidelines">http://www.photo.net/info/guidelines/</a></p>


<li>The Community Guidelines specify that attached images should be within 100K bytes, but since a lot of members who post to this thread would like to include larger files, we feel that 300K is fine.</li>

<li>Each member should post no more than one image per week.</li>

<li>And please don't post the same image week after week.</li>

<li>Since this forum is read by a lot of different people around the world, including children, please make sure that your image is suitable for all audiences. I am glad that this really hasn't been an issue so far, but please keep it that way.</li>

<li>If you make a mistake or your image does not load, please repost with all your text. It is rather straight forward for moderators like me to delete the entire incorrect posts. It is a lot more work for us if we need to transfer your text from one post to another.</li>


<p>Matt is drafting an improved version of the guidelines. When that is ready, we'll share it with everybody.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance for your cooperation.</p>

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<p>Another great Wednesday. So many wonderful photos. To all who commented on my photo last week thank you<br>

Gej, thank you so much for your comment this week. It made my day!<br>

Matt, thanks for starting us once again. I like your electrical wires and caps . I especially liked your story about the guard on another thread!<br>

Joe, thank you for including me on the list , you are very kind. The sea gull looks so cold and wind blown Nice shot<br>

Narayan, this is a great IR so cool yet inviting<br>

Rene - That is a great piece of amber , don't let your son lose this one<br>

Enrique - So cute<br>

Grant, very interesting<br>

Douglas - Beautiful freind you have one of my favorites <br>

Jeff - Lens envy aside , beautiful shot<br>

Shane - Beautiful Seattle shot<br>

Gej - I am enjoying this and the bird makes it complete<br>

Raaj- Nice shot and nice lens<br>

Richard - Cheers to you for such a crisp beautiful shot<br>

Jana - a fun shot<br>

Paula - Very nice love the colors<br>

Benjamin - Looks like you kept them entertained.<br>

Jeannean- Not only are you great with the bugs, but now with the birds. Last week the great coyote and now the road runner !<br>

Jennifer - Hope your ankle gets better soon. Beautiful colors<br>

Sanford - Very nice<br>

Bill - Love the goose and the light <br>

Jens - Very cold looking with the ice<br>

Epp - The ride was definitely worth the ride<br>

Ray - Great first attempt and interesting artifact<br>

Bogdan - Very strong photo<br>

Steve - Such a fun shot and great capture<br>

Dieter - He looks almost mystical.<br>

Juho - Looks like you are enjoying your "new" camera. Very nice<br>

Tony - Long cold trail<br>

Richard - I have yet to attempt the slow shutter speeds <br>

Jose - I love the light shinning through the ice . Very nice<br>

Lil- We miss your post :)<br>

Anish-Very nice night shot<br>

Per-Christian - Lovely and fun shot<br>

Barry - Nice contrast<br>

Abib - I can not see your picture <br>

Cees- Ashame how things have to disappear<br>

Alejandro - I love this picture. <br>

Eric - Have enjoyed your pictures from Cuba these last few weeks<br>

Amy- Hope the sun comes out soon<br>

Paul B - I am really loving the bird pictures this week! Beautiful colors<br>

Mike- Such a fun shot<br>

Jeff - Welcome ! Beautiful sky<br>

Aguinaldo - Beautiful <br>

P Watson - Great photo<br>

Hamish - So cold and yet the warm tones of the tent.<br>

Oskar- Beautiful detail<br>

Ian - Very nice<br>

Shun - Your surfing shots are amazing<br>

Monika - Great shot and story<br>

Eddy- Looks like fun was had my all<br>

Greg - great action<br>

Francesco - So clear and sharp Good luck on your project 365<br>

Robert - Interesting<br>

Joe - great color on that whiskey and a still life you can indulge in<br>

Ken- You are right the sunlight is very interesting<br>

Rick - Beautiful<br>

Kent - Love the baby shots<br>

Peter - The beautiful grand bald eagle. I always feel they are joy to see<br>

Richard - Beautiful <br>

Ray - Very nice<br>

Murali - Great capture<br>

Kemal - Great color <br>

John - Very interesting shot<br>

Paul - Such a great subject and shot<br>

Tim - Love the shot of red in this foggy shot<br>

Andrew - Very different<br>

Dallas - Beautiful and nature is truly something to watch<br>

Maurice - Fun shot, makes me smile<br>

Boris - He would scare me<br>

Peng - I love the lines<br>

Wayne - So peaceful looking<br>

Greg - Very nice<br>

Gwen- Amazing ice sculpture - Can't image carving something like that<br>

Thomas - Love the look on the childs face<br>

Doug - Nice shot <br>

William - If I had place like that around work, I would never make it back<br>

Arthur - Very interesting<br>

Don - So nice <br>

Arun - Great capture<br>

Dubravko - Very nice<br>

Phil - It does look old , very nice<br>

Janne - Very nice<br>

Eric - When I realize what I am looking it , amazing<br>

Paul Howard - Good shot and you are a good neighbor<br>

Paul D- I don't see your picture<br>

Anand- Beautiful winter scene<br>

Dave - Cats are fun to shoot<br>

Ertugrul - Another wonderful shot <br>

Tom - Nice shot<br>

Sankha - Beautiful birds<br>

Barry - They do look inviting<br>

Eugene- So interesting<br>

Mark - Nice portrait<br>

Tiffany - Nice <br>

Donald - fun fish eye<br>

Ilkka - Beautiful and delicate<br>

Juhani - Wow he is brave<br>

Jay - Nice shot<br>

Filip - Very nice winter shot<br>

Hayley - wonderful capture<br>

Mark - spooky looking<br>

Michael - Another nice winter shot<br>

Nicolaie - Nice portrait of your friend<br>

John- The quarter will be jumping for weeks to come now! Will you be out Sunday at the parade with all the men in dresses?<br>

Adam - Nice sunset<br>

Vineet - Welcome! Beautiful shot<br>

Michael - Great capture<br>

Carey - Very nice <br>

Nick - Very interesting<br>

Cathi - Go Saints - Who DAt<br>

Laura - Nice night shot <br>

Alan - Welcome and three great shots<br>

Wenshu - Beautiful place <br>

Markku - Very nice<br>

Erik - Beautiful capture</p>

<p>If I missed anyone it was not intentional and my apologies. Thank you all for sharing these shots</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Another wonderful collection, thanks to all!<br>

For a few reasons I have not been making any photos for a few weeks, so nothing to post here. So only a few photos that stand out for me.</p>

<p>Glad to see Cees Maas is back...! I was missing the typical Southern Netherlands photos. I'm from that region, and it's nice to see home here, and usually captured so well!<br>

Peng Wichakool, lovely simple winterscene, very effective. <br>

Monika Epsefass, great capture, you can almost hear the understanding silence between them.<br>

Tim Holte, I love this photo. The (very?) dense fog, it gives lovely mysterious mood, and the red umbrella tops it off perfectly.<br>

Ertugrul Kilic, quite different from your "usual" posted photos, but just as "wow"!</p>

<p>Hope to be back with some own production next week!</p>

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<p>Tiffany, Roberta: Thank You for commenting on my portrait photo. It was fun with strobes, initially I though it would be easy just click-click but later with the help of experience photographer realized that model's expression and their pose is more important.</p>


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<p>Thank you all for sharing your photos! I really love all the diversity, styles, and stories. Also, thank you to those who commented on my Roadunner photo, and to Roberta for taking the time to comment on all the photos. It's appreciated by many. :)</p>

<p>Steve H (and anyone else wondering), they don't actually make the "beep, beep" sound. That was recorded by Paul Julian and are the only "words" ever spoken in the cartoon. They coo more like a dove does. Looking forward to next Wednesday's trip around the world!</p>

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<p>Love the Kickboxer portait!</p>

<p>Here is my contribution, I am doing some shoots for a DJ friend that needs some photos for promotional purposes.</p>

<p><strong>D40x 85mm f2 1/3200 @ ISO200</strong></p>

<p><img src="http://s3.amazonaws.com/data.tumblr.com/tumblr_kwrgq05XDU1qalssho1_1280.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId=0RYTHV9YYQ4W5Q3HQMG2&Expires=1264863501&Signature=aYOGAeb4gK2Z5hZw%2B3L41OiDQQ0%3D" alt="" width="536" height="800" /></p>

<p> </p>

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<p>It is always a tremendous fun to see all those photos from around the world. Not only like a fun trip around the world but also very inspiring pile of examples to learn from. Also, it is really an honor to get any comment. Thank you, Roberta!</p>

<p>See you next week - I have hurt my back this week and I may not be able to walk around with heavy equipment bag this weekend, though..... The problem was and still is my neck and now the lower back, too? Sigh....</p>


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<p>Another Wednesday has come and gone and once again, some truly inspiring work. Those that caught my eye this week are:\<br>

Narayan- Great job on the IR! It is SO wintry looking.<br>

Jennifer - Your efforts to get up an going at 2am, certainly paid off. Beautifully composed.<br>

Hamish- Your image looks so warm and inviting, especially knowing the temperature is anything but!<br>

Oskar- BEAUTIFUL snowflake!! I have always wanted to try getting a photo of a snowflake, maybe this will be the inspiration for me to do it.<br>

Tim- I love it. What an evocative capture. Of course the red umbrella really makes the shot pop.<br>

Roberta - WOW, what a beautiful shot. Far and away my favorite for this week. Well done!<br>

Janne - Good eye.............beautiful abstract capture!<br>

Ertugrul - Nicely done. Part of me wants to crop the shot but then I look again and realize that the "white space" really makes it work.<br>

Tiffany - What a fun shot. Your title really helps bring it to life.</p>


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<p>I was slow in posting this week. This does mean I have the pleasure of enjoying a prodigiously lovely Wednesday collection of photographs. The first photograph that caught my eye was Narayan Kovvali’s infrared winter scene with those lovely trees and that awe-inspiring swirling sky. I liked both Rene' Villela’s amber-trapped bee and his story; I’ve done the same thing with yuan.<br>

<br /> Jana Hughe’s lolipop made me smile. Those colors form such a wonderful abstract. Paula Wang’s lovely little bird also captured my attention; her lenses create such beautiful out of focus backgrounds, her photographs are a delight.<br>

<br /> Epp B’s after the blizzard shot definitely works, the sun and icy snow work together to create such a delightful nature scene. I also got a kick out of Juho Niva’s daughter; perhaps, because I recognize that expression from seeing it far too often on my own daughter’s face. And I got a kick out of Tony Hadley’s own snow scene, which really looks like something I’d buy in a shop to send home with a scribbled note about how beautiful it is here.<br>

<br /> Speaking of winter shots, Jose Angel’s frozen leaves tickled my fancy: quite beautiful. So many beautiful bird shots and then we have a cat in a bag by Paul V. Gorky, very cute. Tim Holt’s might have been my favorite this week, that red umbrella.<br>

<br /> I also quite liked Doug Santo’s shot of the First Lutheran Church, the wide angle worked great there. And so many, many more great shots.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Thank you to all of you, who commented on my photo this week.<br>

I find something beautiful or interesting in every photo posted here, but I don't have the time to comment on all of them (well done, Roberta, I admire your effort), so I will limit myself to just few. <br>

Matt Laur: Fantastic picture, there is something very disturbing about exposed wires in the rain.<br>

Rene' Villela: I love the way the insect shines in the amber. <br>

Grant Tanner: Love the texture and the simplicity of the photo, just my kind of style. <br>

Jennifer Meighan: Simply stunning. <br>

Epp B: Your photo makes me homesick, the atmosphere is beautifully captured. <br>

Jose Angel: I look and look and look. Can't get tired of this one. <br>

Oskar Ojala: Like in a fairy tale. Perfect. <br>

Ken Yamamoto: Great street photography. I had a go at it last week, and failed terribly. You've done it very nicely. <br>

Tim Holte: Every week you give us a photo full of mood and feelings. How do you do it? I love it. <br>

Peng Wichakool: A real Winter feel. The snowflakes make your photo truly stunning. <br>

Don Harper: A rather scary scene, so full of atmosphere, I kept looking at it for a long time. One of the photos, that will stay with me.<br>

Janne Kaakinen: Now, that is fun and beauty in one photo. Great abstract, I am a big admirer.<br>

Ertugrul Kilic: I love your work and this is another fine example. <br>

Tiffany Brook: Precisely the type of work I praised last week on your website. You've done a wonderful job here. <br>

Erik Christensen: Lovely scene. What a cute little girl. <br>

Till next Wednesday, have a great week everyone. <br>

Jana </p>

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<p>First, all the bird images are great to see this week. Thank you. Very nice work by all, and stimulating as usual.</p>

<p>I'll just mention the images and photographers who most caught my attention this week:</p>

<p>@Matt, the electrical wires say "Cold, wet, dreary" to me.<br>

@Narayan, this IR image is another world. An image that looks different catches our attention, but then it has to deliver. This one delivers. Very nice.<br>

@Jeff Lipsman, your isolated bird (Say's Phoebe) is wonderful. Nothing to disturb the connection to the subject. The bird looking back into the frame is a very nice touch.<br>

@Jennifer Meighan, the warm sunset and cold water at York Beach.<br>

@Dieter, the red-tailed hawk against a fabulous colored sky<br>

@Amy, grey, grey, grey except for the traffic signal<br>

@Paul B, wow, what a feisty little winter bird!<br>

@Oskar, your snow flake... Very cold blue. Terrific.<br>

@Ken Yamamoto, the street and AX storefront, nice light.<br>

@Ray, nice studio portrait<br>

@Murali, great shot of the MJ tribute<br>

@John, I like the Olympon Cave photo<br>

@Paul V. Gorky, very cute cat, very well lit and exposed. Cooperative cat you have!<br>

@Tim Holta, the fog and red umbrella<br>

@Janne, beautiful curves in the nice macro B&W of your lamp. <br>

@Eric James, this whole series has been wonderful. This one is alive and scary. <br>

@Mark Gordon, the Kickboxer is strong and dramatic.</p>



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<p ><strong>Catching my eye</strong></p>

<p ><strong>Matt Laur - </strong>nice find, but Id be careful around wet wires</p>

<p ><strong><a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=2206786">Narayan Kovvali</a> </strong><strong></strong>interesting IR, what frequency is that IR<strong> </strong>taken at</p>

<p ><strong><a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=2301406">Rene' Villela</a> </strong><strong></strong>– isn’t that how Jurassic park started</p>

<p >Jana Huges – love the way you presented the pop</p>

<p ><strong><a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=5189670">Jeannean Buglady</a> </strong><strong></strong>– the work ypu pit intp that shot was worth it.<strong></strong></p>

<p >Epp B – caught my ete</p>

<p ><strong><a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=3854064">Bogdan Nicolescu</a> – </strong><strong></strong>Love the way you just work in film. Rich colors</p>

<p ><strong><a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=323291">Dieter Schaefer</a> – </strong><strong></strong>I really like the way the background came out</p>

<p ><strong><a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=440542">Per-Christian Nilssen</a> – </strong><strong></strong>nice dance shot – no more down time</p>

<p ><strong><a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=299288">Barry Fisher</a> – </strong><strong></strong>very interesting, nicely done</p>

<p ><strong><a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=4768482">Alejandro Held</a> – </strong><strong></strong>what great colors<strong></strong></p>

<p ><strong><a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=5208951">Mike C</a> – </strong><strong></strong>fun perspective<strong></strong></p>

<p ><strong><a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=943565">Aguinaldo de Paula</a></strong><strong> – </strong><strong></strong>Nice beach shot. But its only 10 degrees in NY</p>

<p ><strong><a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=5293769">P Watson</a> </strong><strong></strong>– classic</p>

<p ><strong><a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=4034258">Hamish Gray</a> – </strong><strong></strong>Do you ever go abywhere warm?</p>

<p ><strong><a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=380414">Oskar Ojala</a></strong><strong> - </strong><strong></strong>my favorite of the week</p>

<p ><strong><a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=5043399">Monika Epsefass</a> </strong><strong></strong>– missed you last week, you name belongs on my list of Wed masters<strong></strong></p>

<p ><strong><a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=5105761">Ken Yamamoto</a> – </strong><strong></strong>Always a classic NY shot</p>

<p ><strong><a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=5272283">Paul V. Gorky</a></strong><strong> </strong><strong></strong>- a classic cat shot</p>

<p ><strong><a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=628662">Tim Holte</a> - </strong><strong></strong>that umbrella gets around</p>

<p ><strong><a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=4626319">Wayne Wrights</a></strong><strong> </strong><strong></strong>– I love Vermont</p>

<p ><strong><a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=5369057">Roberta Davidson</a> </strong><strong></strong>– great soft colors</p>

<p ><strong><a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=4160871">Janne Kaakinen</a> - </strong><strong></strong>it works well</p>

<p ><strong><a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=5449668">Hayley Karl</a> </strong><strong></strong>– excellent</p>

<p ><strong> </strong></p>

<p ><strong><a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=2418329">Lil Judd</a> – </strong><strong></strong>we all miss you</p>

<p > </p>

<p >Till next week</p>


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