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Wireless Remote - 5D

abdul smith

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<p>Can anyone recommend a good wireless remote for the Canon 5D? I did a serach, and i'm aware of the RC5 and RC1, but based on my research (which could be wrong) they have to be used through the camera's timer setting rather than being instantaneous shutter release mechanisms..I also use a 40D as a backup so extra compatibility would be preferred.<br>


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<p>It works as you would expect it to, despite having it set on timer. The action is instantaneous. Setting the timer to 2-sec allows a delay, maybe useful to get your arm down if you're in the picture. (I believe it's 2 seconds; I've never tried it.)</p>

<p>It works out well that it needs to be set in remote-enabled mode. Imagine some joker like me walking around the Grand Canyon rim setting off everyone's cameras.</p>

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<p>If you ONLY need a wireless and don't care for the distance past 20 to 30 feet, get on eBay and get you a Chinese wireless transmitter. If you care about the distance and money is not that big of an issue with you, pick up 2 Pocket Wizards. If you go down about half page, you will see the answers to the same question in an earlier post. V/R Buffdr</p>
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<p>Thanks Michael.</p>

<p>Buffdr I have 2 pocket wizards..I wasnt aware I can use them to trigger my camera. I'll scroll and look for the post you referred to. (of course, since i'm shooting using strobes, and one of the PW's is on the camera and the other on the strobe i'm assuming i'd need a 3rd for wireless triggering..sounds like the RC5 might be the best option).</p>

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<p>Buffdr, the RC-1 costs $25 new. Mine cost $20 7 years ago. I can't imagine why anyone buys the off-brand remotes.</p>

<p>It does seem limited on range. I had problems the first time I tried using it to trigger a group shot from about 25 feet (outdoors in open shade, with sunlit background). I thought the batteries were just old and tired, but haven't bothered to change them even after buying replacement button batteries. It still works perfect as a cable release on the original batteries. The longest distance I tried recently was about 5 feet, holding the camera on the ceiling with the monopod for a different viewpoint. The problem there is holding the remote out far enough so it has line of sight to the infrared sensor.</p>

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<p>I wasn't aware of the cloning, I just use the PW and never have to worry about the range or reliability. I too keep 4 on my strobes and one on my camera. I also have the PW enabled meter that works great. Hmm, I wonder what the range of the RC-1 is. I can't imagine it's better than the PW. I just hate buying stuff 2x. Since you already have 2 PW, I assume you know how goo d they are. At the end it's your money and decision. Good luck. V/R Buffdr</p>
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<p>The RC-1 can fire the camera from about 15 in front of it during daylight, but further at night. Indoors, it will usually fire from several feet behind, to the side, above and below the camera due to reflective walls, ceilings, etc.</p>

<p>I've owned the same RC-1 since 1990 when I bought it with a 10S. It basically takes the place of a wired release and is a lot faster to use than the RS-80N. That damn N series plug is hard to attach in the dark. Plus the RC-1 is so small you can clip it to your camera strap so you always have it.</p>

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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<p>I actually remembered that I have an old RC-1 from my film days, so I pulled it out..and I have been unable as of yet to get it working with the 5D...I installed new batteries and confirmed the remote is not the issue as it still works with my film body.<br>

Anny suggestions?</p>

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