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an almost completely out-of-focus photo

mike dixon

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Wow! What a great photograph... It has the feeling of travelling

(it's the rear view mirror in a car, isn't it?) and yet an intimate

atmosphere of the two women.

... and I always love car pictures!! maybe because I don't have a

driving license ;o)


best wishes,



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I like this a lot, but would prefer not to have the right hand head -

it makes me look for an interaction between the women, and

there isn't really one. With just the left hand pair of eyes you

would have more mystery and I would look for longer.


It's a long shot, but if you get a chance to see Kikuchi Kawada's

series "Car Maniac", jump at it. Similar ideas, but with wonderful

competing external elements as well as the car interior, and in


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I dont understand where you are going with this minimal focus/sharpness aproach. Maybe you can enlighten us...


Are you trying to find the edge of what is visually interesting, move to a less active role in you pics(analysing signature) or just clearing the fridge of overdated film?;)


Can you tell us more about this quest of yours, or is the resent OOF batch an unintended seies of events.



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Just where is this approach supposed to "go"? I think this a great photograph. I disagree with Struan; I can imagine an interaction between the women. This seems like a quiet moment (note: they're both staring) after a serious remark. Also, the absence of the second person would have certain connotations.


Very creative work.

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Thanks for the comments. This isn't really a carefully planned concept or a conscious attempt to "go somewhere." The photo caught my attention because the context is still readily recognizable even though everything but fragments of a couple of faces are completely blurred--the shape of the small in-focus area was sufficient to define the situation.


[Lens was indeed the 75/f1.4.)

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Mike, believe it or not, this is one of my favorite of your images. It

breaks away from your usual approach and explores new

ground for you ( for all I know, you do a lot of stuff like this, but we

never see it ). Good stretch, a real need in order to keep growing.

Thanks for having the courage to share it.

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Thanks, Marc. It really isn't new ground. About a year and a half ago, I did a related shot (below) in an all-night cafe utilizing a couple of mirrors, though I wasn't thinking about that when I took the current shot. [i've also done a number of shots using my car as a "set."]<P>

I haven't been showing those kinds of shots on the net so much lately for several reasons. One of the most important reasons is that, because such work is more an expression of a personal view, other people's opinions really don't matter that much! ; ) The input I get on the more "commercial" work is more valuable to me because it helps me to understand how successfully I'm hitting a somewhat-defined target.<P>

<center><img src="http://mikedixonphotography.com/mirrors01.jpg"><P>

<i>small faces</i></center>

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Maybe I�m missing the point or something, but I don�t get it. The photograph reminds me of what I find when winding on the first few frames and activate the shutter to advance the film. I don�t know if this setting is a car or not, but I don�t see that I matters.


I don�t see a connection between the two women based on what I see of them. The large white area blocks what appears to be an important area in the picture. The lack of focus is not a concern for me; I don�t see that the photo would gain by being in focus.

Sorry, but it just does not work for me.

Joe Stephenson

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