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Potraiture vs Portrait Professional - Photoshop Plugin

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Looking to add a plugin to photoshop cs4. Not sure which one to get. Does anyone have any expereince with one or the other? Potraiture seems to be the more popular one. Or maybe there is another one that can be recommended?<br>

Looking to fine tune some portraits I have taken. Mostly skin and coloring.<br>

Thanks in advance for your help.<br>


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<p>I think that portrature is for Lightroom only and not for cs3 or 4. I will be getting portaiture this week andd have both cs3 and lightroom will let you know if it is compatable with cs4. Have you downloaded the trials? That would be the best thing to do then you can make the choice for yourself.</p>
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<p>I have not used Portraiture, but have Portrait Professional and would recommend it. I read a positive review in PhotoTechniques several months ago, downloaded the trial version and bought it after only about 2 hours of trial time. It is very easy to learn and does a great job. Just go slow as it is very easy to go WAY overboard and make "the girl next door" look like the "girl from the next planet". Good Luck.</p>
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<p>you want a plugin? talent 1.0 and knowledge 1.2 (new revision) is what you need ; )</p>

<p>But, to really answer your question, since you ask, i think both of them are similar, they both give quick result OK for not too demanding photographer, and of course, client that are use to receive soft blury skin like you see on model mayhem ; ) Im sure you can get demo for both of them and try them out?</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Lorraine: Note that the negative comments assume that you want to blast images with the plug-in and "fix" all skin problems instantly by turning skin into plastic.<br>


But you said you want to "fine tune" portraits with the plug-in, and that's the way to use them. There is no substitute for fine work to fix most skin problems. After the detail work is done, I find that Portraiture is often useful for fine tuning certain areas. So don't let the naysayers put you off. Like anything else in Photoshop, skin filters can be abused. But they can also be used intelligently, and when they are, they can be quite useful.</p>

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<p>You are right David, i have mainly seen a too strong effect applied with those filter, and practicaly always a plastic look without skin texture. Can you show me a before and after that you have done, a 100% let say so i can finally see a good version of this plugin applied on a image please.</p>
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<p>I think i can do that relativly fast and easy and for free in pscs4. Also sticking to your main tool (pscs4 or any other version) kind of forces you to use and learn the different tools and their different functions - could be tools as the clone/heal/patch/curves/colorbalance/huesat and so on. also lets you think more about skin colors - how they are in real life and how youd like them to be in your world. Not long ago i learned how to do a quick and fast skin mask (like imagenomic does) in ps and im not any ps guru!.</p>
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<p>I think i can do that relativly fast and easy and for free in pscs4.</p>


<p>I think I can too ... but not as fast and not as easy. I <a href="http://www.radiantpics.com/skin.pdf">learned</a> to use Photoshop tools quite well before I tried Portraiture. I bought it because it could do in a few seconds what it might take me several minutes to do by other means. So the PS alternatives aren't really free, not to clients who pay me $1/minute to edit their images. Imagenomic Portraiture is a great tool. It isn't a substitute for learning how to do things in Photoshop, but it's a worthwhile addition once you do learn.</p>

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  • 5 years later...

<p>Looking for some updated information. I've read information (the most recent from 2013) that Portrait Professional is not compatible as a plug-in with Lightroom 5. Hoping to learn updated information about that or other portrait editing plug-ins that are compatible with Lightroom 5.<br>

Appreciate any and all information.</p>


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