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Recommendation for b&w book?

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<p>I'm switching to digital printing after 35+ years of silver printing. I am looking for a book about working in CS3. I cannot upgrade to CS4. I am not looking for flashy effects, just extremely fine prints, as I exhibit regularly. I shoot 120 film and scan it on drum scanners for large prints.</p>

<p>On Amazon, I see three books. Which of these, or what other, would people suggest?<br>

Mastering B&W, Michael Freeman, published over 4 years ago<br>

Advanced B&W, by John Beardsworth, pub. 10/07<br>

The Complte Guide to Dig B&W, Michael Freeman, pub. 2 months ago</p>


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<p>Andy, you may want to drop in here as well:</p>


<p>Many professional printers there and many more former and current darkroom workers. Digital b&w printing was only a few years ago at the "will it ever be as good as silver" stage. A very short time later it has progressed dramatically beyond that point to where silver can now be seen as a particular subset of b&w printing in general: many beautiful things to explore in digital printing and even more techniques in silver with digitally produced negatives and contact printing. The techniques are expanding at a rate far faster than the publishing world can keep up with. </p>

<p>The group has been around for some years so the search function can be highly productive.</p>

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<p>i'm just reading Advanced B&W, by John Beardsworth, pub. 10/07 ;</p>

<p>don't be distracted by the date is was published; this book is one of the best photographic references i've ever read; he mentions workflows that are up to date again following a very none-destructive way; there is no guide in there ; you have to,.... just many different examples and ways to get the best out of each situation; helping you to evaluate and choose your workflow. it's not really bout fineprints but for that price it's a must have for every b&w enthusiast following a digital workflow;</p>

<p>best regards</p>

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