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Can you remove AF from the shutter of the G1?


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I'm interested in the G1 and I'm trying to determine if I can get the autofocus to work the way I have it set up on my Pentax K20D. I want to completely remove the autofocus function from the shutter release and have it assigned to dedicated buttion. I want the camera to autofocus when that button is pushed and then lock focus when the button is released.



I've read the G1 manual from Panasonic's web site, and it seems the AF/AE button can be set to work just the way I want. What I haven't found out is if it is possible to completely remove AF from the shutter release button. Oh, and I want to be able to do this while the camera is set to AFC.


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<p>You cannot entirely remove focus system actuation from the shutter release on the G1 as you can on a Pentax K20D (I used to have the K10D). But you can do the same effective thing using the custom settings options: </p>

<p>- Set <strong>AF/AE Lock</strong> to <strong>AF Only</strong> :: button will only actuate the AF system<br>

- Set <strong>AF/AE Hold</strong> to <strong>ON</strong> :: button acts as a toggle, press one to enable, press two disables. <br>

- Set <strong>AF+MF</strong> to <strong>ON</strong> :: when focus is locked in AF system, turning the focusing ring allows manual adjustment. </p>

<p>The effect of these three settings together is that if you use the AF/AE Lock button to set focus, focus is locked and touching the shutter release does not affect it. Turning the focusing ring will allow you critical focus. This is quite similar to setting the AF on the AF button only on my K10D or the K20D. The difference is that if you don't press the AF/AE lock button, AF and AE lock happen together on the half-press of the shutter release unless you set the camera to Manual focus. </p>

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<p>Thanks Godfrey. That's just the info I was looking for. Sounds like it can also do the equivalent of Pentax's Quick-Shift focus system which is an unexpected bonus. I saw some of your past comments about how you liked the 43 Limited. Have you used any of your Pentax lenses on M43 or did they go when you unloaded the K10D? I'm considerng using the 43 and 77 with an adapter.</p>
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<p>FourThirds and Micro-FourThirds system have all had the AF+MF capability because the lenses are servo driven focusing, even in manual focusing mode. Very easy to provide the program option, where with Pentax lenses and the screwdriver drive it took the implementation of a slip-clutch to allow QuickShift. </p>

<p>I used the DA21 and FA43 briefly on the L1 SLR body. The DA21 was problematic due to the lack of aperture ring, the 43 worked well but I ended up selling it and preferring the Olympus ZD 35 Macro for the L1 and E-1 bodies. And I had a few other Pentax lenses I used, but I've sold out of all of them now except for an SMC Takumar 135/3.5 which I keep as my long lens option. I only rarely use much longer than 50-70mm these days. </p>

<p>The 43 and 77 should work well on the G1 and other Micro-FourThirds body ... both of these are particularly good focal lengths on FourThirds format. The 77 moreso because a fast 70-80mm lens on this format is one of the 'magic' points and there is no current option like that available (I use a lovely old Olympus Pen F 70mm f/2 for that focal length) whereas the Macro-Elmarit 45/2.8 ASPH does well in a native mount lens, and there are several other options that also do comparably well. </p>

<p>For the $40 to $90 it costs for a Pentax-K to Micro-FourThirds mount, it is certainly worth trying the 43 and 77 lenses and seeing if they work well for you. Both of them are amongst the very best lenses Pentax ever made. </p>

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