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Newborn at friend's house


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<p>I don't do any studio work at all, most of my stuff is outdoors. My friends recently had a baby and they want me to take some "studio-type" shots of her. </p>

<p>Here's what I'm working with:<br>

<br /> 1 - D300s<br>

1 - SB-600 Flash<br>

1 - 3' round reflector with mutliple surfaces like silver, white, gold..etc.<br>

My friends also have a sliding glass door that will let in good light, but its in the kitchen.<br>

Will it be possible for me to get some decent shots with JUST this? I would love to add to my arsenal, and if you guys would like to suggest any affordable equipment that will improve my lighting capabilities, I'm all ears.</p>



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<p>Hi Bilal,<br>

That's exactly how I started shooting portraits of friends' babies when I was starting out! It was a D70, but the rest was the same.<br>

First, with the SB600, get a white shoot through umbrella (they're not expensive at all), along with a cold shoe mount and light stand. Put your flash and umbrella on the stand and shoot wirelessly. Have someone hold the reflector on the other side of your subject.<br>

Second, you can do alot with the light coming through that sliding door, depending on the time of day and direction of the light. As long as it's not direct sunlight, you can get some nice natural light shots. If your multi-reflector is like mine and has a translucent white panel you can use, you can prop that (or have someone hold it) against the window to diffuse the light if it's too harsh. Use your solid white reflector on the other side of the baby to bounce some fill light.<br>

There are some easy and cute things you can do with the baby as well. If you have a big enough basket that doesn't have any "pokey" edges, you can put a nice fluffy blanket in it and take photos of the baby in there. Alternatively, you can lay him/her in their carseat, first putting a nice looking solid color blanket under them to cover up the seat itself. Also, if the parents want any shots of the baby without clothes or just in a diaper, be sure to keep the house VERY warm.<br>

Have fun with it! The nice thing about newborns is they're pretty patient, since they sleep alot :-)</p>

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