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Ring Flash (Alternative to Alien Bees ABR800)


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<p>Dear firends,<br>

After reading many reviews here in PN, I decided to purchase an Alien Bees ABR 800 ring flash. Placed my order yesterday, but the company would not sell to people not based in the US (or with a US credit card). I buy most of my stuff from Amazon, Adorama, Cameta, B&H with no problem. That's why I am seeking you're advice of alternatives of good ring flashes that I can find in this larger on-line stores. I will be using the ring light for fashion photography. My Budget is USD 1,000.00 to 1,500.00 but could increase if neccesary.<br>


<p>Jorge Dengo.</p>

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<p>I shoot fashion photography as well and absolutely hated the ABR800 Ring Flash. IMOP it is the worst thing Paul Buff makes. I would really recommend a beauty dish instead. Thats what I did I sent the ABR800 back baught an White Lightning X1600 and beauty dish and I feel I have way more power, flexability, and a look I like much better. The main problem i had is the models said the Ring Flash blinds them everytime they look at or towards the camera. It also block you from seeing or speaking to the model other than looking through the lens. Off camera it worked a little better but was very flemsy and awkward.</p>
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<p>Thanks M.P., that's really useful. I liked the idea of the ABR800 to use it on camera and have certain flexibility (mobility). Basically the two things that you're mentioning are the ones that I was concerned about (blinding of models, and blocking me from seeing them). However, I still like the look of the ring flash. If no other alternative is available (ring flash alternative I mean), I would take your advice for sure. Thanks!!!<br />Garry, I am in Colombia, and will be here for the next 5 months. I travel often to the US and have a Physical address in Miami. There are NO stores here of anything (neither retail or rental). Back Home in Costa Rica, I have a good setup of studio lightning, which obviously I didn't carry with me. I brought my camera (Nikon D3s), two lenses (Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8, and 24-70mm, f/2.8) a SB-900 speedlight, a Lastolite Ezybox (24x24), and a silver/gold reflector.<br />I have the opportunity to make a fashion photo shoot on the 16th, in a cool trendy apartment, and that's why I'm trying to purchase something that is: (i) Good, (ii) Portable and that I can use once I get back home.<br />Thanks for your comments and advice!</p>
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<p><a href="http://www.calumetphoto.com/item/EX2000/">http://www.calumetphoto.com/item/EX2000/</a><br>

I would save your money and go with something like the Ray Flash which is a ring flash adapter for your SB-900 flash. It is a lot more portable and creates the same look at a much lower cost. You have excellent gear and your work will already speak for itself with or without the ringflash look.</p>

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<p>Ick..ray flash? Only if you have full control over ambient. It's not powerful enough otherwise ;-)<br>

Jorge: if you have paypal, just find someone (US resident) near you w/ a paypal account, pay them and let them order the ABR for you if you want to keep costs down. Be aware that it's very plasticky but is the most powerful self-contained (doesn't need power pack) ring flash I know of while also support the moon unit which is a useful modifier you can't connect to other ringflashes.<br>

But if you really have that much to spend, I'd get a profoto ringflash and have it modified to work w/ dynalite packs (which you can buy used for $400-500). That should run you roughly $1100. It can also be modified (by Flash Clinic in NYC) to work on Speedotron packs...</p>


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<p>Dear all,<br>

Thank you for your valuable comments. I got an email today from the company that makes the ABR 800 stating that they have now a distributor in Australia who will be attending the international market. Bellow a copy of the email that I got, in case someone outside the US is interested.<br>


We have an international dealer in Australia that is now handling all of our new international customers. You will now be able to order directly through them. You can contact them for prices and shipping <a title="http://paulcbuff.com.au/cms/" onclick="onClickUnsafeLink(event);" href="http://paulcbuff.com.au/cms/" target="_blank">http://paulcbuff.com.au/cms/</a>. If you have any other questions please let us know.</p>

<p> </p>

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