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T70 Tv Mode, Bug or Feature?


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<p>My T70 in "Tv Mode" or Aperture Priority acts just like it was in Program Mode if it feels my choice is out of acceptable EV range.<br>

In other words I'm free to choose the Shutter speed, and it will choose the fStop, only if I'm in the range its computer would have chosen if it were in Program.<br>

Is this a bug or a feature? I've never noticed this before.</p>

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<p>I own better Canon bodies, but aside from some quirky features the T70 is a great camera in my opinion. I don't think I could part with mine. I mostly shoot in Manual or Partial AE Program modes - so I never got to see the weird safety feature of Tv Mode. Whose saftey, and why would Canon care, what's wrong with letting us decide? Very funny. Thanks for the responses. At least I know it's not the camera starting to go. A T90 would be nice...</p>
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<p>I love my T70's for general purpose shooting and will admit this feature can drive you crazy at times along with lack of true aperture priority,lack of complete viewfinder information,max metering of 2 seconds,etc.As I've said in the past what I would give for the original A1 with a partial metering option....For most average light work overall it does a outstanding job but when the going gets rough I depend on a a full manual F1N.I believe that was what Canon was thinking back in those days.Remember this was the beginning of the era when electronics manufacturers thought computers should do all the thinking for us.It started with program modes,then matrix metering,auto focus,and on and on to today where none of us can figure out or remember how to use 90% of the features of our camera,pc,cell phone or just about everything else they are shoving down our throats.</p>
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<p>I think some of us are confused. Or maybe just me. I haven't used my T70 in a while but, I was under the impression that Tv is Time Value or Shutter Speed priority. Not Aperture priority. You select the shutter speed and the camera will select the aperture.<br>

OK, I'll admit, I've been traveling the past week and have a bit of Jet Lag so maybe I am misunderstanding the question.</p>

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<p>Yes, the T70's TV mode works just as you describe, with one exception.</p>

<p>I'll explain it hypothetically. Let's say you're in a low light situation. You're using a 50mm 1.4 lens, and have the shutter speed set to 1/60. Under the lighting conditions, using the maximum aperture, you would still end up with your film underexposed by 1 stop.</p>

<p>Most of Canon's shutter priority cameras(including the A-1, AE-1, EF, etc) will give you a warning that the shot will be underexposed, but will go ahead and shoot the exposure anyway.<br>

<br /> What the T70 would do under this situation is, instead, lower the shutter speed to 1/30 and then shoot the exposure.</p>

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