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W/NW: Your L/RF Picture of the Year 2009


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<p>Please post your favorite picture taken with Leica/Rangefinder gear from the past year. If you can't decide your favorite between two or three photos, then put them all up. This one was taken with a Mamiya 6MF and Ilford Pan-F. I think it is my best photo from this year.<br>

<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/10164336-md.jpg" alt="" width="679" height="694" /></p>

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<p>I don't contribute to W/NW threads much. But it's the end of 2009, so what the heck.</p>

<p>This, to me, was by far and away my best RF photo of the year. It just summed up a lot of my life over 2009. But to be fair, after dealing with a full year of having a child, the image likely meant much more to me than it does to other viewers. Still, I got a lot of other positive feedback on it as well. But that is what happens when yu ask your kid's grandparents about a photo of their grandchild.</p>

<p><a href="../photo/9118076"><img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/9118076-lg.jpg" alt="" width="500" /> </a></p>

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