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ETR - intermittant shutter fault


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I have a Bronica ETR with standard 75mm lens. I've found on longer

exposures, the shutter opens and closes quickly rather than for the

full 4s or whatever. I've had the camera s/h for a short while and I

think it may have always had this fault, it hasn't had much use.


Anyone seen this before? It's not that the shutter isn't working at

all, but it's not being timed correctly. I'm assuming it's a body

fault, but I'm not totally sure.


I'd also be very interested if anyone has details on the six

electrical contacts to the lens - I could then diagnose at least the

location of the fault myself. Reseating the lens may have cleared the

fault once or twice, but it's still unreliable.


Otherwise recommendations for good repair people in the UK, pref.

near London, please.


Not too upset as I prefer my S2A anyway, but... ;-)





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The shutter opens mechanically, but is held open electrically. Given that the long exposures fail, I'd first check whether the batteries have enough power left in them.<P>Another possible cause of failure would be the electrical contacts both those on the lens and inside the battery compartment. Use a pencil-eraser to clean them, reseating the lens may not be enough to remove gunk.<P>


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This problem could very well be a battery problem as has already been mentioned. In addition to the other suggestions, you should make sure that you have the appropriate battery. The silver oxides and the lithiums are OK, but the alkalines are usually too weak, especially when used for long exposures. I believe there is info at their website about battery recommendations.


One warning about cleaning electrical contacts. Never use an eraser on gold-plated contacts! Being a very soft metal, the gold can be abraded off of the contacts. Its better to clean gold-plated contacts with a soft cloth and an electrical contact cleaner that can be gotten at many electronics and automotive stores.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks to everyone for their replies - so far I haven't had a chance even to measure the battery volts, let alone anything else, and I'm now away for a week anyway (with the S2A!). I look forward to getting to the bottom of this, though. I'll post when I've come to any conclusions.


Thanks again.



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