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Photos that pop! Sharp and Vivid

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<p>This is a pretty common question, and the answer is multifaceted. The general consensus is:<br>

A) learning how to use depth of field - and implicitly, lens selection - appropriately to isolate your subject<br>

B) use a tripod<br>

C) Understand lighting and how it alters "apparent sharpness"</p>

<p>Edge or rim lighting (Google those!) increases apparent sharpness and makes your subject stand out from the background. That's the biggest factor in what you want. You can bump up the saturation and contrast for vivid colors; also, setting black and white points gives a better range of color depth in your images. I know there's an article written on Pnet about that, but I can't find it any more.</p>

<p>Go into the curves dialog box and make a shallow S. Once you get that down pretty well, you'll start putting out images that are punchier.</p>


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<p>I’m afraid that the only “trick” is to become a better photographer. Sure,

there’s stuff to be done in post-processing that’s essential, but the traditional

photographic stuff is even more important.</p>


<p>Most of the times that people point to a sharp and vivid photo that pops, they’re pointing

to a well-composed, well-lit photo with good control over depth of field and a worthy subject, and it’s those things

that make the picture pop. The straight-out-of-the-camera picture would still be pretty good, just not

as polished.</p>





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<p>@Ben - Can you please critique some of my photos on my personal flickr account (<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/jojie/">http://www.flickr.com/photos/jojie/</a>) and my website (<a href="http://www.fisheyestudiosca.com/">http://www.fisheyestudiosca.com/</a>). I would like to know if my photos are up to par. </p>

<p>I'm really opposed photoshop in general, I really just want to touch up my photos in Lightroom and PS Element 8 for little minor touch ups that I cant do in Lightroom. <br>


Jojie- </p>

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<p>I'm curious as to the meaning of this statement and why Lightroom and PS Element 8 are considered differently?<br />What is it about Photoshop that you are opposed to?? </p>


<p>I mainly use lightroom to convert my RAW files into jpegs with "Minor" enhancements i.e. correct WB, delete minor imperfections, soften the face if need be. <br>


I am opposed to photos that “HEAVILY” use photoshop that make the image or photo SUPERFICIAL. <br>


I would like my photographic skills to speak for itself as supposed to my PhotoChOPPING skills!<br>


Cheers, <br>


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