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Wedding Photo of the Week Showcase 12/14/09


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<p>Time to upload one recent image for show and possible critique. Make sure it is 700 pixels or less in width - AND - make sure to enter a caption in the caption box on that page where you've uploaded. Some details about the shot would be helpful. By posting - you agree to allow your image to be chosen for discussion and critique for the week. One will be chosen at random. This is not a contest - but simply an image that we'll discuss. Positive as well as constructive suggestions are what will occur. HOWEVER - IF you wish to post your image but DO NOT WANT to be considered for critique - please say so in your caption. Images that show as a link will be deleted and you'll be asked to re-post. Newcomers and Pros are both welcome to post in this thread. The thread will be closed late on Tuesday. Look for the choice on Wednesday. Please do not start the critique in this thread ;-)</p>
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<p>This Saturday I had the honor and pleasure of photographing a lovely bride whom I built up a friendship-like bond over our various meetings. Whilst she was doing her own makeup she caught me looking at her in the mirror and she beamed this amazing, genuine, excited smile as if to scream "YAY I'M GETTING MARRIED!" and it has to be my favorite photo of the day. I know the photojournalist in me cringes at the direct eye contact but it was so full of warmth - I think it's lovely.</p>

<p>I'd be open to critique though, I am more than open to improvements.</p>

<p>Canon EOS 450D / f2.8 / 1/60 / ISO 200 / 54mm on a 24-70mm lens</p>

<p> </p><div>00VFr6-200631584.jpg.794c26324838a0949b6328dea0a8a9c2.jpg</div>

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<p>Wow! So I was thinking about an engagement picture but everytime one is uploaded somebody complains that it's not a wedding image, so I guess I will go with this one...<br>

Nikon D700, f/5, 1/60 sec (handheld), ISO 640, 60 mm with Nikon 24-700mm f/2.8 lens, natural light. <br>

If I would have nalyzed it a little more, I would have made the date in focus instead of the time, but owel---hindsight is 20/20</p><div>00VFrJ-200633584.jpg.c53f89be0954f9725580a1bd04cca39e.jpg</div>

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<p>I was second shooting for someone and never had the chance to take a good portrait of the bride so when the ceremony is done I went up to their room and noticed they are doing nothing and waiting for the reception introductions. I took a couple of candids and stole the bride and asked for a quick portrait. I let her seat and told to stare at the window. About the technicals only thing i remember is I used iso 200, f/4 and on cam fill flash pointing at the back, cant remember the shutter speed.<br>

<br /> <img src="http://photos.fdlphotography.net/photos/large/170b7d650bea7d806aae49e9bf39e05f/photo-42e6d5f95ac7a9109e0f298ce8456403.jpg?93" alt="" width="700" /></p>

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<p>This image was taken over a year ago and at the time I liked the duo tone. I since have grown tired of this look and think that it's been over done. But I have clients that still like this look and are asking for it. I would rather not even do it, but I do to keep happy clients. Just wondering if I'm alone on this or are other people sick of this look too.<br>

Thanks Mike Canada.</p><div>00VGGa-200875584.jpg.20253f609d0d9b4c7f5e916432aca61f.jpg</div>

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<p>This was one of my favorites from a recent wedding. After the ceremony we meandered about the estate shooting pictures until there was no more light. Although the light was nearly gone, when I saw this tree I knew they had to sit under it. IS0 2500, shutter 1/200, f 3.5 50m, 5DMKII. </p><div>00VGT2-201007684.thumb.jpg.a0c651a1d975c233bac29cdf108de1f4.jpg</div>
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