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Traveling in Venezuela


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<p>I will be traveling in Venezuela at the end of March and staying for 2wks. My daughter is teaching in Volaria. If have some safety concerns surrounding my camera equipment. does anyone have any thoughts about how to best safe-guard my equipment. I traveled in mexico last year with no problems, but my daughter has had some things ripped off while she has been in Venezuela.<br>


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<p>Usually, basic precautions will protect you from theft. This doesn't have as much to do with your environment as it does with your personal habits. For example, at my company in Texas, there have been several high-ranking executives who have been repremanded because their $10,000 laptops are repeatedly stolen. Notice my use of the words <strong><em>several</em></strong> and <strong><em>repeatedly</em></strong>. Unfortunately, these are people with more money than sense. The people I know personally, who are more down to earth, realize that valuables must be protected, and have never had their laptops lifted. As a side note: almost all laptop thefts occur in airports, where busy executives are careless and comfortable (as if they were at home) and leave them lying around where they are obvious targets of theft. This occurs in the USA as well as anywhere else in the world.</p>
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