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Voigtlander 21/4.0 LTM; viewfinder misaligned;DIY solution?


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<p>I recently acquired a VC 21/4.0 LTM, the one with the finder included, for my M cameras. I am very pleased with the lens, but the viewfinder frame lines are not properly aligned horizontally.</p>

<p>When composing with the viewfinder your photos end up leaning in one direction. It was 2nd hand and brand new looking and it was my fault that I did not test the finder. So no returns.</p>

<p>Before getting my screwdriver; Does any body know whether it is possible to open the finder and slightly rotate the first element with the frame lines (closest to the eye) in order to position the frame lines correctly or is there any other solution?</p>

<p>Thanks a lot for your help!</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Alwin, I know the problem intimately. The first time mine went out was in Paris in 2002. This is was inspired me to buy a Leica 21mm viewfinder. <br>

Put your finder in a bowl or a deep dish or something so that you don't use screws. Use a jeweler's screwdriver of appropriate size and unscrew the finder. There are four screws, two long and two short. Remember where they go. I think the short ones are in front. Take off the top. inside you'll find the element with the frames. Straighten it and screw everything back together. It ought to hold for a while. </p>

<p>The VC 21/4 is optically quite good and the build quality is rock-solid, but the finder is flimsy.</p>

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<p>Thanks Antonio and Alex,<br>



It seems I have the newer finder that came with the 21 LTM. It has 2 screws on the bottom of the finder. A picture is attached.</p>



<p>I briefly tried to open it, but it was firmly screwed and I feared my jeweller's screw driver was not exactly the right size and I would ruin the screw heads.I will get a new set of screw drivers and try some more.</p>


<p>Any other advice of course is more than welcome.</p><div>00VD9I-199201584.jpg.b918f6f6373db5b1cf64e951e2408461.jpg</div>

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<p>I had the same problem with my VC 21mm finder which is identical to yours. Just get some good quality jewelers' screwdrivers and open the thing up. The screws are tight and as long as you push in hard with your screwdriver you won't damage the screw head. Remember to protect your hands. After you get the finder open, just tweak the frame lines straight and close the thing up. The finder's lens elements all sit in slots and can't be screwed up. When you are closing the thing up and tightening the screws, be careful to run them in their original threads or you risk cracking the housing. Use only your thumb and forefinger to turn the screwdriver until you are sure the screw is running straight. Have fun! </p>
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<p>Soon Chung,<br>

The job is done. You reassured me saying that each element sits in its own slot. I once messed up some Soviet finder years ago and did not want to repeat that. <br>

I bought new jeweller's screw drivers and I took out the screws easily with a cross head size 0. The two parts of the finder seemed lightly glued in place probably because the rear element (with the dreaded finder lines) and other elements had some rubber cement. I pried it open by lightly pulling the two halves from the front and rear alternately with my fingers.<br>

All in all it took less than 5 minutes.</p>


Two screws is two screws less to screw up than four screws ;-)</p>

<p>Thanks again to all</p>


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<p>Just a tip.</p>

<p>In order to prevent the element with the finder lines to move when you put the two finder halves back together, stick the element from the outside with a bit of sticky tape to the finder half you adjusted it in.</p>

<p>I had this problem and had to retry a couple of times until I used the tape. Of course get tape that does not damage the finder element.</p>

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<p>Hope you will enjoy your 21 even more after you manage to get the finder right.</p>

<p>I am so relieved that I was able to fix it because I was really upset to find the finder misaligned and cursed myself for not having been more careful when buying 2nd hand. But now I feel really satisfied that everything is working after 5 minutes of attention.</p>

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