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Christmas gift for a lady


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<p>I was recently talking to my ladyfriend (not quite girlfriend), about photography. She said she'd get back into it if she had a nice camera. I shoot nikon, so I figured that I'd get her a nice SLR and some film for christmas.<br>

I have a Nikkormat FT2, I like it, I think she would too. looks like I could get another on ebay for about 50 bucks. That is a good price range for me.<br>

What are some other models that she might enjoy? Nothing too dumbed down, still high quality--gets the job done, you know? I'd like to stick with nikon so that we can share lenses. I can figure out some lenses.<br>

While we're on the topic, does anyone have any favorite film stocks? I'll get her some normal quality rolls as well as a couple of high quality for when she gets more comfortable with the equipment.</p>

<p>Thanks so much everyone,<br>

~j </p>

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<p>Well Jeff, this is a question that gets posted from time to time, and I'll answer this in the same way I have answered before:<br />Take her to the shop, and let her look and feel the different cameras. What you think might be nice for her, may not be what she thinks is best for her. And if she does not like it, she will not use it. Maybe she would rather have a P&S than a dSLR?</p>

<p>We cannot suggest what is the best camera for you or her without knowing what her preferences are. You have to ask her.</p>

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<p>Ladies do like the FE I have found, with the aperture priority being great for starting off and for just walking and shooting. The FE, a 5 Pack of Fuji Superia 400 and a 35mm lens (if she has no lenses) would go down well, but I do agree with Per-Christian that she really does need to hold the various models and check whether she enjoys the viewfinder presentation and control layout.</p>
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<p>Thanks everyone,</p>

<p>I'll find something for her, I'm sure. I'll be hitting up pawn shops this week. Thanks for the film suggestion, Ian. </p>

<p>I'm going to be away from internet for a week, so I'll respond to future comments when I get back. Thanks ahead of time though.</p>

<p>You're all wonderful.</p>


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<p>Jeff, please ask her if she is okay with the weight of your current camera. That's often a determining factor for me. My hands aren't as strong as they used to be before I worked with computers for 20 years. </p>

<p>I love my Nikon F100 film camera, though it can get a little heavy. Fuji Reala 100 film is my favorite color film (great latitude), and Kodak TriX 400 is a classic "starting" black and white film at my community college. Good luck!</p>

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