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Leica V35 vs Focomat 1c for B&W


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Please respond only if you have had direct hands-on experience with

both enlargers. This question relates only to B&W printing. I own

both a V35 w/vario contrast module, and a late Focomat 1c "color"

version w/filter tray. I would be using a 50mm Focotar-2 on the 1C.

On the V35 I can use either the standard 40mm Focotar or my 50mm

Focotar-2,(I have a factory cam that allows for use of the 50mm

Focotar-2 on the V35). My question for those of you who have used

both enlargers is; Which do you prefer and why? I'm in the process of

setting up my darkroom and only have room for one enlarger. Im not

set-up to test and compair everything, but I'd like to go ahead and

get rid of one enlarger soon. Your experience, thoughts and

conclusions would be appriciated. BTW,Im not interested in digital

darkroom advice. Thanks

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Tom, Either way you won't go wrong.. The V35 will allow you a larger print size on the baseboard and there is a chart available so you can dial in the various filters rather than put them in a filter holder.

I don't think there is any difference performance wise since you are using the same lens. I found the V-35 faster to use but the built on the Focomat may be better. I currently have a Focomat IC because my small darkroom won't fit a V35...Good Luck

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Ok, I qualify. There are differences between the two but they are

not huge. First, the look of the prints. The Focomat 1C produces

a print with slightly more contrast, the grain is a bit easier to see

than the prints made with the V35. This is not to say the V35

makes prints that are not contrasty, they�re just different. I have

both and put my Focomat 1C in storage after getting a Durst

L1200 for other work, 3 enlargers simply cramped my darkroom

too much.


In use, the V35 is a MUCH faster enlarger to work with. I�ve

made over 300 5X7� workprints in a day with it. The focus was

dead on from the first to the last print, no need to touch up.

20X24��s are a breeze to make as is everything in between. The

Focomat 1C is not slow but I find I work a lot quicker with the V35

so the decision to move out the 1C was really made for me. Our

decisions are very similar. The quality difference is negligible,

the practical difference is what made the choice for me.


My advice? If you spend a lot of time printing, then keep the V35

and sell or store the 1C.


Sal...I don't know whether I agree about the build quality being

better on the 1C, they really are so different it seems it would be

hard to make a comparison. Both are fun to print with compared

to say a Beseler.




Michael Hintlian

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  • 11 months later...
Hi! Tom. So which one did you decide to use? I recently got a hold of a Focotar-2 50mm and am hoping to be able to locate a factory cam to use with 50mm for my V35, but without much success. Do you think you can lend me your cam so that I can make a copy of it and return it back to you? When using 50mm lens with V35, is there a need for an extension ring between the lens and the lens board? In any event, let me know how you ended up your darkroom set up. Please excuse my being too forward.
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