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GAH! Brother took some shots in the snow


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<p>Yup it is an 18-55 kit lens... After I posted that photo and read the responses this morning I went and tried to see if it was loose enough to pull out with tweezers. I gently tugged at it and was able to dislodge it! As far as I can tell it does not look like it was damaged and it takes pictures without having to press the shutter button twice. I still think I am going to take it in to make sure there was no damage done and probably to give it a cleaning. Thank you SO MUCH everyone that responded and helped me, I cannot express to you how grateful I am! I wish you could've seen me when I pulled the chunk out and stared at it in some kind of stupor :-P Thanks again!!</p>
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<p>Congrats on the successful repair. I guess those shutter curtains aren't so fragile after all.</p>

<p>You might want to check it out at different shutter speeds. Put it on a tripod and point it at something with constant illumination. Set it to shutter priority mode and see if a range of shutter speeds all give the same exposure in the final file. (In shutter priority mode, for a set shutter speed the camera will automatically adjust the lens aperture to give a constant exposure.)</p>

<p>If all those shutter speeds are accurate, then there might not be a lot of reason to pay for having it serviced.</p>

<p>The only other thing I can think of to look for is other foreign objects. I'm sure other photo.netters will chime in with more caveats that I'm not thinking of.</p>

<p>And don't forget to send you lens back to Nikon for a warranty repair.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Thats worrying that something like that can break off the back of the lens so easily and reek havok. I'd be wondering why that happened ? Did either you or your brother drop the lens ? (not that he would admit to it anyway ) , which if plastic would have been almost hanging of until being clipped onto the camera and breaking off inside.... I can't see that happening on its own, or being a warrenty issue either. They will probably say it was dropped or knocked.</p>
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