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Which Summilux won't fit M8?


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<p>hello --</p>

<p>i am in the market for a summilux pre-asph and realized that some canada made lenses won't fit the M8. is there an easy way to identify those lenses? I noticed on photos that some lenses have "Leitz", "Leitz Canada" (obvious), or "Leitz Wetzlar" engraved in the front element around the lens. Do all canada made lenses bear the "Leitz Canada" in the front or is there more?</p>

<p>thanks in advance.<br>



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<p>Patrick, are we talking 35mm or 50mm Summilux? The 35mm Pre-Lux, I have read, won't fit the Minolta CLE. Something about an internal baffle that it won't clear. I wonder if it's the same lens that won't fit the M8, for a similar reason?</p>
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<p>Rob -- thank you for replying. just to clarify: I am talking about the 35mm summilux-m pre-asph. i am not familiar with the minolta CLE, but in the M8 (and i believe M9) documentation it mentions an incompatibility with some canada made versions of the lens. the internal baffle does seem to be the culprit, as i read from other threads. however, i am not sure how to identify such a lens, without actually mounting it to the camera.</p>

<p>thanks again,<br>


<p> </p>

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<p>Steve S. - "If you have a lens that doesn't focus to infinity Leica can adjust the lens"</p>


<p>Well, Leica <strong>can't do it</strong> for a Dual Range Summicron (2nd step of focus helicoid hits). This lens can mount if you move the focus, but once mounted it can't reach infinity.</p>

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<p>I got that shroud too. It is used to protect the rear element from scratching if you accidently put it onto the table without any rear cap. I still can use on M8. ALso this lens in not included in the warning info<br>

You'd better ask your distributor for clarification.</p>


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<p>My Summilux 35/1.4 Pre-Asph. (Canadian - made in 1969) wouldn't focus to infinity because the shroud fouled the camera's lens throat (which is narrower than film M's to accommodate the battery). The shroud only just fouls, so I suspect that whether a particular lens is OK or not is down to simple manufacturing variation between lenses.</p>

<p>My solution was to machine 1 mm off the shroud (see sketch). Malcolm Taylor (British Leica expert) did the machining for me whilst servicing the lens. The shroud's ability to protect the rear elements is not affected.</p>

<p>The photo shows the machined shroud. (Note also the coding pits that I did myself by hand - Malcolm Taylor can now mill these more neatly by machine.)<br>

<img src="http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/871/shroudmod.png" alt="" /><br>

<img src="http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/9462/lenscodingdremelnotessu.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="492" /></p>

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<p>On a somewhat unrelated matter, i noticed from your photo that your summilux 35mm pre-asph is lens coded. i have read on other forums that there is no code for this specific lens. it also doesn't seem listed on the leica site as a lens that can be coded. does it yield any benefits?</p>

<p>thanks in advance.<br>


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<p>On a somewhat unrelated matter, i noticed from your photo that your summilux 35mm pre-asph is lens coded. i have read on other forums that there is no code for this specific lens. it also doesn't seem listed on the leica site as a lens that can be coded. does it yield any benefits?</p>

<p>thanks in advance.<br>


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