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Cleaning the sensor cleaner? Giotto Rocket


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<p>I have an XL Giotto Rocket Blower and keep it stored inside a zip lock bag. The last time I used the rocket it spread dust ALL OVER my sensor, so much in fact I was forced to order a liquid cleaning solution. My questions is this ... is there a way to clean the rocket? I have about 4 specks of dust on my sensor, both relatively large, and Im leery of using the rocket on it again. Any advice or ideas?</p>
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<p>You should also clean a new blower before you use them. Store them in a dust free place (ie: Zip lock Bag). BTW: the same place you keep you lens cleaning cloth, not next to sand papers :-) Won't hurt blowing them a few times on a filters before you use them on sensor.</p>
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<p>The blower material will deteriorate with time and generate particulate, regardless of how you store it. A blower is not a good way to clean the sensor. Dust (lint) clings tightly to the sensor due to static electricity. Blowing air accross the surface creates even more static. You need an extremely high velocity to dislodge lint. Consider that the lint you blow from the sensor goes somewhere else, probably not out of the camera. In time, you are likely to blow dust behind the IR filter, which is a factory job to remove.</p>

<p>The best "dust" solution is prevention. Keep the mirror box clean and dust your lenses regularly. At least once a year empty out your camera bag and vacuum it thoroughly to remove built-up dust and lint.</p>

<p>In my experience, the best way to clean sensors is with a Visible Dust brush set. Canned air or an electric spinner cleans the brush and generates a static charge. Dust leaps into the brush as it is drawn across the sensor. With the precautions describe above, I only clean the sensor about twice a year, and I'm not afraid to change lenses.</p>

<p>If the brush isn't enough (e.g., spots, usually from blowing on the sensor), the liquid "Copperhill" method is required. Rinsing your Rocket Blower with water would practically guarantee spots of this sort. I have the Eclipse Fluid kit, but haven't needed to use it in the three years I've had the Visible Dust brush kit.</p>

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