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Canon Mark 5DII Manual Control Malfunction?


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<p>Hi All. I just upgraded to a new Canon 5D Mark II and just got around to test driving it today. I came across an issue in the "Manual Exposure" mode and was wondering if this is normal or if I have gotten a bad copy. <br>

According to the manual, with the power turned on to ( _/ ) position, I can adjust the Shutter Speed with the Main Dial and Aperture with the Quick Control Dial. However, I could not affect the Aperture with the Quick Control Dial. After fumbling around, I found that I only was able to change the Aperture by pressing the Multi-controller joystick, highlight the Aperture field on the LCD, then turning the Quick Control Dial.<br>

Is this the norm with your cameras? If not, I should I return this camera (Adorama? Canon?) because of this issue?<br>

Thank you in advance for your help.<br>




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<p>Are you sure you have the power turned to the _/ setting (two clicks)? My 5d2 works in M mode as you describe when the power is just set to ON, but set to _/ works as it should. So what you describe is not the norm for my camera.</p>
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<p>Are you sure you have the power turned to the _/ setting (two clicks)? My 5d2 works in M mode as you describe when the power is just set to ON, but set to _/ works as it should. So what you describe is not the norm for my camera.</p>
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<p>I think the problem is that you're using the camera's rear LCD to change your settings. I activate the camera by half pressing the shutter release <em>whilst looking through the viewfinder</em>. That turns the meter on and I can adjust the shutter speed and aperture using the two control dials.</p>
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<p>You should not have to press the shutter button halfway to make an initial shutter and aperture selection in Manual mode. Page 94 of your manual explains that. Pressing the shutter button halfway allows you to deviate your manual settings based on a meter reading of the scene at hand only. Turning either the Main Dial or the Quick Control Dial should make changes in the settings viewed on the top of the camera while in Manual mode. I have no idea if it changes the settings on the back of the camera while in Live View mode as I don't use Live Mode much, but suspect they should change as well. If your camera doesn't work that way I would reset all factory settings and try again. The warnings about turning the 'On' switch all the way to the top mark are correct.</p>
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<p>[You should not have to press the shutter button halfway to make an initial shutter and aperture selection in Manual mode.]<br>

I said I press the shutter button halfway to activate the camera and turn the meter on - if the camera is in standby, turning either control dial does nothing!<br>

I think that Miles has activated the rear LCD by pressing on the joystick. You then have to select the shutter or aperture value on the rear LCD and adjust it with either dial.<br>

If you don't activate the rear LCD and make sure the top LCD is active, then you can use the control dials to adjust the shutter and aperture settings.<br>

The 5DII is the first EOS I've owned where Canon have combined the power switch with the control dial lock. They used to be two separate switches but I guess Canon decided that took up too much space on the back.</p>

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<p>Thank you, all, for the responses. I did indeed turn on to the second click and without activating the LCD screen, the Quick Control Dial does not work to change the Aperture (as instructed on pg 97 of the manual). I have just talked to a Canon rep and confirmed that it is a malfunction. It's disappointing to have this issue with a new camera that I have been anxiously saving and waiting for. Hopefully the exchange will go smoothly. You have been very helpful.<br>




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  • 1 month later...

<p>Called Canon this morning (1-800-OKCANON) at 7am Virginia time (that's where the call center was located), and spoke to Mike who helped me resolve the issue in less than five minutes. He said the problem was definitely hardware related, and he provided me with simple, but detailed information for sending the camera in for repair. He also said that the repair centers generally allow a 30 day grace period for the warranty, so I shouldn't expect for this to come out of my own pocket.<br>

This is my first experience with malfunctioning equipment from Canon, but with the promptness of Canon's support center, the grace period for warranty, and an estimated repair time of 4-7 days, I'd say this has been a great experience (considering, of course, that the camera has malfunctioned.)<br>

I'll post again when I receive the repaired camera.</p>

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  • 1 month later...

<p>Hi all,<br>

I recently experienced this problem on my 5D2 as well (Quick Control Dial not responding to aperture control) when in Manual mode.<br>

Anyway, I thought I should mention that I managed to fix it by performing a <strong>reset to all the "Custom" controls</strong>. A reset of the 5D2 settings was not enough. I hope this post will provide relief to some of you dreading the thought of sending back your precious camera to Canon for repairs. All the best.</p>

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  • 1 month later...

<p>I just bought a 5D Mark II yesterday, and today the Quick Control Dial stopped working, I've tried resetting every setting I can find but to no avail, the good folks at <a href="http://kamerahuset.dk/">Kamerahuset</a> where I bought it were thoroughly puzzled by this when I brought it back to them and promised a replacement when they get new stock tomorrow. I'm glad I payed a little extra and bought my camera at a local shop even though the CF card was a bit (ok a lot) overpriced.<br>

Canon support here in Denmark was neither free nor helpful, other than giving me the advice to take it back to the shop where I bought it.</p>

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