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pentax k-x 18-55 lens hood?


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<p>Yea when a coworker got her Canon XSi and then was describing how a lot of her photos have this harsh sun flair... I asked about the lens hood and she mentioned how it didn't come with it. I thought that was a sneaky thing to do by Canon, and smugly smiled at myself that Pentax didn't do that with my k10d... but now it looks like they are. That's quite annoying.</p>
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<p>No lens hood with my K-x kit...</p>

<p>The old kit lens hoods fit the K-x kit lens, as you would expect. Strangely, the WR 18-55's bundled hood doesn't fit onto the non-WR kit lenses, and vice versa... For reasons best known to Pentax, they've changed the hood mount bayonet design on the WR lens.</p>

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<p>Andrew, the K-x is packaged with the cheapo DA-L...</p>

<p>I initially swapped it for my DA 18-55 Mk II, but have now put it back on the camera. True, it doesn't have the features you listed, but it's a little lighter, and after a few days I came to the conclusion that the reduced weight was more important to me. (I actually like the plastic bayonet mount, for this reason...)</p>

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