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Elinchrom bx 500 ri problems, please help!


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I bought a bx 500 ri kit, it was ok until yesterday. I'm not sure if something faulty inside of the lamp, but one of the head simply just not firing the flash unit. It charges, no error message, the green lights next to the buttons are on, so it looks like everything is normal. The flash tube is not broken, because I changed it with the other head from the kit and it was working just fine in the other head. I thought this is some kind of configuration issue, but I tried to find what is that I changed. Nothing.....btw, the modelling lamp is also working just fine....<br>

please help out with some idea, and yes I know, I should go to a repair shop, but I'd hope that only my mistake causing this issue...</p>

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<p>Hi Balazs<br>


1. Does it fire on the test button?<br>

2. Does it fire when hard wired to the camera's pc port ?<br>

3.Check the sync switch on the back of the light ?<br>

If 1. works but nothing else check connection from camera.<br>

If 1. and 2. work check your triggering of the flash.<br>

For any more troubleshooting we would need more information on how the lights are set to trigger<br>

Ian R</p>


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<p>Hi,<br /> on the lamp, the test button doing nothing, it means no flash, but it starts to recharge and beep comes when it's ready, wierd...<br /> I also tried the wireless trigger which comes with the kit, the same, no flash, but recharge, beep when ready<br /> with wired to camera I did not tried it so I will first thing in the morning (I have a job someehere, typical when you have a job to do, suddenly happening something like that)</p>

<p>again, no error code, the green led next to the test flash working just fine....</p>

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<p>well, sometimes the modelling lamp just suddenly switch off....some kind of electronical issue....I don't know, I'm trying to get contact with Robert White shop, but I couldn't get any answer yet, I bought it there, and I used three times. If this is an electronical issue I'll be really disappointed in Elinchrom.....</p>
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<p>I have exactly the same problem with one of the lights in the bxri 500/500 kit also. Thought it was the problem with the trigger at first, but noticed the test fire button on the unit itself won't trigger the light either. <br /> Brought it back to the shop and the lighting specialist accepted that it is a problem with the unit and sent it for repair / replacement under warranty. Will update this when I have an update. The shop was really nice to lend me a unit until mine is fixed. I sure hope this doesn't spell problem with Elinchrom's recent products or quality control.</p>
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