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Pentax K7


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<p>Here's one review: http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/pentaxk7/<br>

Here's another: http://www.imaging-resource.com/PRODS/K7/K7A.HTM<br>

And another: http://www.dcresource.com/reviews/pentax/k7-review<br>

I have a K7 and I love it. Pentax's approach to layout and ergonomics just makes sense to me. I'm skeptical about any real inherent difference in image quality between Pentax and their competitors. It ain't the sword, it's the swordsman. But Pentax seems more user-friendly and logical to this old film buff.</p>

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<p>Here you get an opinion on K-7 within the photo.net:<br /><a href="00U1xD">http://www.photo.net/pentax-camera-forum/00U1xD</a> (K-7 My first impressions....)</p>

<p>Others, not including the ones that Dave mentions above:<br /><a href="http://www.tzcobretti.de/Testberichte/K7%20Testbericht.pdf">www.tzcobretti.de/Testberichte/K7%20Testbericht.pdf</a><a href="http://digital-photography-school.com/pentax-k7-dslr"></a><br /><a href="http://www.ephotozine.com/article/Pentax-K7-11613">www.ephotozine.com/article/Pentax-K7-11613</a><br /><a href="http://www.luminous-landscape.com/reviews/cameras/k7-hands.shtml">www.luminous-landscape.com/reviews/cameras/k7-hands.shtml</a><br /><a href="http://www.trustedreviews.com/digital-cameras/review/2009/09/03/Pentax-K-7-Digital-SLR/p7">www.trustedreviews.com/digital-cameras/review/2009/09/03/Pentax-K-7-Digital-SLR/p7</a><br /><a href="http://www.adorama.com/alc/article/Hands-On-Review-Two-Hours-with-the-revolutionary-Pentax-K-7">www.adorama.com/alc/article/Hands-On-Review-Two-Hours-with-the-revolutionary-Pentax-K-7</a><br /><a href="http://www.imaging-resource.com/PRODS/K7/K7IMAGING.HTM">www.imaging-resource.com/PRODS/K7/K7IMAGING.HTM</a><br /><a href="http://theonlinephotographer.typepad.com/the_online_photographer/2009/09/pentax-k7-review-part-i.html">http://theonlinephotographer.typepad.com/the_online_photographer/2009/09/pentax-k7-review-part-i.html</a><br /><a href="http://theonlinephotographer.typepad.com/the_online_photographer/2009/09/pentax-k7-review-part-ii.html">http://theonlinephotographer.typepad.com/the_online_photographer/2009/09/pentax-k7-review-part-ii.html</a></p>

<p>And here a "bonus" link:<br /><a href="00OJb0">http://www.photo.net/pentax-camera-forum/00OJb0</a> (Why I switched from Canon to Pentax)</p>

<p>I have avoided to include prereviews before the K-7 actually was released.</p>

<p>I hope this will help you!<br />/ Staffan</p>

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<p>Gregory, I own a Pentax K20D and a Canon 50D. They are both fine cameras. One difference, however, is this. The Canon focuses quicker than the Pentax. So when I want to shoot sports I always use the Canon, otherwise, I find myself picking up the Pentax most of the time. </p>
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<p>To add to Robert's thoughts- I do believe what slows down the Pentax making it not the primary choice for sports/fast action shooters is that the Pentax focusing system double checks its focusing when in autofocus. At least that's what I remember reading here and elsewhere from people a lot more knowledgeable than me in the technical spec's of these cameras. If I'm incorrect, someone please set me straight. I don't shoot action subjects (well, occasionally I try to capture our toddler nephews...), landscape/nature is my main area of interest.</p>
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<p>According to timed tests, the Pentax AF is pretty comparable in speed at normal to bright lighting, with the Pentax system slower in dimmer lighting, but it is reported as having a higher percentage of accuracy.</p>

<p>It also largely depends on the lens used. I shoot some sports using "fast" f/2.8 zoom lenses, usually in the AF-C mode. I have a Sigma EX 24-60mm that has really done a good job with shooting hockey, and that is very fast action. It easily outperforms my old Tokina 28-70mm for AF speed.</p>

<p>If you want a compact body, and having video, the K7 is virtually in a class by itself in the caliber of build and features for a compact model. If there is a chance that you may also have an eye towards a future acquisition of one or more of the renown Pentax Limited series of compact prime lenses, the K7 was designed with them especially in mind. Such a combination makes for an extraordinary high-performance compact setup. The K20D is bulkier, but still less so than some others in the same class. The K7 IQ is quite close to the K20D, except it does not seem to slightly underexpose at times, as verified by Javier, who owns both. He also reports that noise at higher ISO is better controlled with the K20D, as far as in-camera processing. The closeout prices now for the K20D are hard to resist, if the added features and compact size of the K7 are not a major issue. </p>

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<p>I suggest you have a hard think about what lenses you want to use. Lenses are really key to system. Bodies come and go and as a user Pentax film and Canon digital I think one can easily get used to the differences in ergonomics.<br>

Canon offers a very wide range of lenses which are readily available, some of which offer better value then Pentax. Pentax also offers a unique range of limited primes that might be a reason to choose Pentax.</p>

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<p>I was just comparison shopping a K7 and a 50D yesterday. The shop FINALLY had a working battery in its sample K7 (they didn't the past two or three times I had gone to look at it). I didn't have much time with the Pentax, and didn't get to try it with anything other than a 50-200mm zoom. The Canon seemed to be a noticeable bit faster "operationally" -- focus, and that sort of thing, but the Pentax was significantly quieter and seemed decently quick compared to, say, my *ist DL which, while I love, seems to move slower than my Canon EOS 620 from 1987!</p>

<p>I like the way both cameras feel in the hand and, in a more cash-rich personal world, I would have both right now... I would say that, if you need a really, really fast camera with access to lots of accessories, get the Canon. If you want a really quiet camera (as in hardly noticeable mirror-slap and shutter noise) with access to a small number of exquisite prime lenses that Canon can only sort-of compete with at much higher prices, then go for the K7.</p>

<p>Not that it matters to most, but the K7 is a prettier-looking camera, while the 50D is more gritty and "cyber" looking.</p>

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  • 3 weeks later...

<p>Have owned my K7 for less than a week due to a mishap with the K10D(it's shower proof but doesn't fair well after being on the seabed for 20hrs). <br>

Still working everything out but so far, I like the layout over the K10, it is quiter, coupled to the Sigma 28-70mm f2.8 EX lens focusing is quicker, the menu also seems easier to navigate around, feels good in the hand.<br>

So far very happy<br>

So much to learn<br>

You are all great teachers</p>

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