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Issues with a Gossen LunaSix tele attachment


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<p >Good afternoon all,</p>

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<p >I’ve been having some problems with my tele attachment for my LunaSix F. I bought it used off ebay earlier this year from someone who (in the ad at least) claimed to not really know what it was. When that scenario comes along, you usually hope to get an unexpected bargain! But, I guess the opposite is also true… the mirror in the viewfinder is badly cracked/crazed, which I was happy enough to live with, since it was a bargain, and the seller did actually refund my postage (very reasonable fella0.</p>

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<p >I pulled it out the other day when I was setting up a scene to test development times for a new film/dev combo and wanted to write down exact measurements. I noticed that using the tele attachment (in either position) was giving me exposures 1-2 stops below the (both incident, and reflected) readings without it. I’m wondering if maybe the lens in the attachment is also damaged (although I couldn’t see any obvious signs). So my question to anyone else using these attachments, have you noticed any discrepancies between readings? …and before anyone asks, ‘yes’, in taking the readings I did take into account the restricted field of view of the attachment, and ‘yes’, all readings were taken with a grey card, all in the same position and same light… because I know that would be the first thing I would suggest! </p>

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<p >Thanks so much for your input, I really appreciate it.</p>

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<p >Cheers,<br>


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<p>If you are talking about this, there is not much to go wrong. There will be a difference between the incident reading with and without the variable angle attachment. And seek the manual on line or from Bogen,the distributor so you are sure you are taking the reading with the right index point as the man said,, Since it was an extra toss in for a used goodie, consider perhaps a small investment in a used one from a reputable dealer with an unbroken mirror which is nicer to use. They are handy accessory for my old Luna Pro and they register good readings..... If this is the guy you refer to, it is not costly on the used market (under 25.00). A solid meter that one.</p>


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  • 2 weeks later...

<p>Thank you for the responses guys, sorry for the late reply! I must admit, the part of the manual that mentioned the green & red markers did throw me a bit (and not just because two of the lines were switched around!). The LunaSIX doesn't have those markers, whereas the LunaPRO obviously does. After a quick play around, it seems (through consistently repeatable results) that there is about one stop loss with the 15 degree, and a further 1.3 loss with 7.5. I might have to make a note of that on a piece of tape before I head away again tomorrow.</p>

<p>Thanks again for the help.</p>

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