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Having trouble finding shutter count


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<p>I've been trying to get the total shutter actuation count on my D90 and haven't had any luck. I've used a handful of different EXIF programs and viewers and don't see the shutter count anywhere in the data. The weird thing is that I know I've been able to find this information before, but now I don't see it anywhere. </p>

<p>Any ideas? Where in the data does the count usually appear? In what category, before/after what, etc? Is there some way I could have changed something that would prevent the actuation count from being recorded or displayed?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance.</p>


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<p>Glenn I don't know whether all programs label and group the data the same but using IrfanView the shutter count is labeled "Total pictures" and is located in the next-to-last grouping that starts with "Maker Note (Vendor)". It is the last entry in that group of data.</p>
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<p>Thanks for the replies. By the way, I tried to make the implication that I'd already run a search but that nothing I'd found solved the problem.</p>

<p>In any case I found the solution - I was using a JPEG, but it turns out I needed to use a RAW file to have it show the count. The total shutter count info was missing from the JPEG EXIF on the handful of EXIF readers I tried. Straight from the camera either way, for what it's worth.</p>

<p>Thanks again.</p>


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