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Anyone tried a PHILIPS 240PW9EB?

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<p>I currently have 2 Samsung 245T's and find they have been very good in most measures, how ever I've been looking at getting a screen to put on a second computer and at the moment getting 245T's is pretty difficult where I live.</p>

<p>So as a result I've been searching for the last 2 weeks for a decent alternative, and have come up with a the PHILIPS 240PW9EB, which on paper at least looks good, I've seen a few posts and reviews on it but none from the viewpoint of someone who really understands color management.</p>

<p>If anyone is using or has used this screen in a color managed work flow could they please tell me about their experience with it? </p>

<p>I'd be especially keen to know how well it calibrates, and if it has any color/contrast issues after calibration (or before for that matter).<br /> </p>

<p>Any first hand experience with this screen is welcome as are other suggestions for screens, bare in mind I've got first hand experience with most of the current dell Ultrasharps and can not say a positive thing about them personally.</p>

<p>Thanks for any input in advance.</p>

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