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Advice please on E-3 weatherproofing


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<p>I have a particular need for a swivel LCD so am looking at Olympus kit. I like the E-30. But also I do a lot of sailing photography - not the greatest environment for a camera but, with care, it's OK. My question is, how weatherproof is the E-3? I mean salt water is bad news for anything electronic so I'm careful - but is the E-3 up to being splashed by a wave? Does it mind being rained on? (I guess my alternative is to go for a purpose-made housing of some sort, but that would cause other problems).<br>

Thanks - Gary</p>

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<p>Gary, I have both the E-3 and the E-30. The E-3 is well insulated, having seals on all buttons and external ports. It should handle salt water waves and rain/mist, most harsh weather conditions.</p>

<p>However the E-30 would require a rain protector bag as there are no seals to protect it from harsh environments. I always keep a rain bag on hand. It wraps around the body and keeps the lens exposed, allowing for manual focus and zoom adjustments.</p>

<p>Both cameras are compatible with the use of the power pack and all Olympus 4/3 lenses. </p>

<p>For general photography without the difficult weather conditions, the E-30 serves well. Check out the art filters. At first, I didn't think much of them. But once I started to use the camera and experimenting with the art filters, I was quite impressed.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>I have an E3 and am very happy with it. I saw one taken apart the other day (at an Olly store). It's the camera equivalent of a tank! It is extremely well constructed and as far as I am aware, it has the best weatherproofing of any camera in its price range.<br>




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<p>I am glad I came late to the E3,last month. It is the most exciting piece of photographic machinery I have personally used. What will Olympus do for an encore? I have used a lot of cameras and formats in my days . I think E-3 is marvelously well featured. Has an industrial build I admire. Not to mention, the 12-60 mated lens is delightful too vis a vis the old 14-54.. I like the implementation of manual focus along with the Live View. It is fun on a tripod, a Rollei of sorts... This is one I am getting used to easily, a shooters camera not for a newbie perhaps. Just get the manual enlarged and printed large enough so you can see all the secret tricks this baby can do an make margin notes..I will never master fnxns but I will try. Hefty, you betcha. Like a Bronica SQA with a Speed Winder and 150mm lens. In short One Serious Camera.</p>
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<p>"...a Rollei of sorts"....seems E3's main virtue vs other DSLRs.<br>

I'd own one if it was 4/4 rather than 4/3! Something Oly should consider, given that the lenses will cover a square sensor and that square would be easier to use Rollei-style than does rectangle.</p>


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<p>I was at a camera show and at the Olympus booth they dunked an E-3 w/12-60 into an aquarium...ok it was only for a second but if it can handle that it can handle rainstorms, waves, etc.</p>

<p>Personally though I'd probably get an underwater case for it since it's salt water, or use one of the Olympus TOUGH cameras for that type of abuse.</p>


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