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Need suggestion, Meyer Orestor 100/2.8 or Trioplan 100/2.8?


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<p>A same post was post in another forum, but I wish someone help me to make a decision.<br>

There were two semi-telephoto lens I met in this morning. One is Trioplan and one ith Orestor. Both of them having 100mm and f/2.8 and in exakta mount. Because of their mount, they are rather cheaper than that of m42. <br />I have seen plenty of user support Trioplan but very little on Orestor. <br>

Is Orestor performs badly? And what are their differences in construction ?</p>

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<p>Thank you. I just checked the website. The boken effect is much more in Trioplan which I really don't enjoy it. <br />I notice there is many overlapping in lens production, as <a href="../photodb/user?user_id=3667779">Subbarayan </a> mentioned, quite a number of lens changed their name and lossing the original informal. So how could I tell which Pentacon is Meyer originally?</p>
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