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Please lend a hand with a DPP problem

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<p>I have two folders of files. All of the files in the first folder are named as such:<br>

091114-Dog Show Sat-001.CR2<br>

All of the files in the second folder are named:<br>

091114-Dog Show Sun-001.CR2</p>

<p>I used DPP to edit and convert the first folder of files with no problem but now that I'm trying to batch convert the second folder of CR2 files, I'm getting a message saying, "Identically named file exists. Cannot execute batch!<br>

I don't understand. Since the files in the first folder have Sat for Saturday and the files in the second folder have Sun for Sunday, why is DPP recognizing these files as being identical when they are not? <br>

Thanks in advance for your educated help.</p>

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<p>Are you having the batch process rename the files or are they already renamed? If they are not already renamed use the renaming tool in DPP to rename them, then make sure that "Current file name" is checked when you try to batch process, leaving the "String" field blank.</p>
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