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Dumb 8x10 Newbie Question


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First off, forgive the repost, my browser's acting up.


New to 8x10 and having always used 4x5 packet film, I've got no

experience with conventional boxes of sheet film. Are the labyrinth

boxes light-tight without the foil or plastic bags inside? I'm

guessing they are but need to be sure before unloading my holders and

using the boxes to transport my expensive chromes to the lab. Dumb

question, I know. Any help for this ignoramus?

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Thanks, Brian.


I managed to score 50 sheets of Astia (Expired but refrigerated) from Freestyle for about 69 dollars. So much for 8x10 being a rich man's hobby! The sight of a 4x5 chrome already makes me giggle. I can hardle wait to see these. I've been doing some of the best work in my life, ever since I went large format, even if I'm sure to herniate myself one of these days.

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Marshall--I have some of that Astia from Freestyle as well. Shoot a few test shots first. I find it just a tad blue and a bit on the slow side, so I rate it at EI 80 an use an 81A filter with it. Given the cost of fresh 8x10" chrome film, it's not a bad compromise, and I like the palette of Astia, especially for portraits. Here's a color corrected sample:




I've also tried pushing it one stop, and the blue cast gets more severe, so I don't recommend that.

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