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PS (Photoshop) the POW (Wedding Photo of the Week) Upload 11/16/09


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<p>This is the second Photoshop Wedding Photo of the Week exercise. Again, I am asking for photo submissions from which one will be chosen to be 'photoshopped' by others. As such, please submit images that have not had a lot of processing, actions or edits already. If you've ever wanted to find out what others would do with your image, here's your chance. This is also an opportunity to learn a new processing technique or style, and look at your image from a different perspective.</p>

<p>As always, this is not a contest. If your image is chosen, you agree to allow others to modify or edit your image, and if there is any critique of the image, remember that there is often no right or wrong--people will be expressing their opinions. Make sure the image is 700 pixels or less in width and add a caption. You may add technical details as well as a description of the circumstances surrounding your capture. Images that show as a link will be deleted and you will be asked to re-post.</p>

<p>If you simply want to share your image, you may post it but add a statement in the caption space saying you do not want your image used for the exercise. This thread will be closed late Tuesday and the chosen image posted on Wednesday.</p>

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<p>I thought this might be good for an exercise in color correction/evaluation/interpretation. This was taken in a really dark environment with no good bounce surface and warm top lighting from ceiling cans. I'm no fan of flash only/no ambient, and started working the environment with an 85mm wide open and tungsten balanced fill with a 580/stofen. This shot has no corrections and is how it came up, pretty warm. As you move the color more toward neutral her color looks good but his starts to go really irish red. Thank goodness this was a small event and my final edit was about 400, with the groom color corrected throughout. So what is good color for this shot?</p><div>00V1oC-191477584.jpg.d9b5630d965afa8787a4df4cbb2f76a8.jpg</div>
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