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Wedding photography special editing fees


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<p>Recently at the wedding reception of a wedding I was shooting, the groom came up to me and said "So I don't like my complexion in any photos, you're going to photoshop all of that out right when you edit our wedding photos??" <br>

It took everything within me not to laugh out loud. I told him after they receive their wedding images from me, they can choose a few of their favorite images they want to enlarge and (for a fee per image), we can try to work some magic in photoshop.<br>

But then I realized I don't know what kind of fee I should charge per image....obviously it depends on the time it would take to edit each photo, but I just want to charge them a flat fee per each photo to edit. <br>

Any recommendations?</p>


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<p>What is his problem?<br>

I mean, if we are talking about stupid red eyes, wrinkles, pimples, its one thing, that is a 30sec TOPS fix. If you have to <em>open eyes</em> , pop people in, its a bit more work, studios I work for charge $50/image on things like that.<br>

But in your case</p>


<p>I don't like my complexion in any photos </p>



<p>I'm wondering what the problem is. Can you show what he is talking about?</p>


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<p>Like was said above, we never charge for retouching if they order a print. The extent of the retouch is at our descretion (i.e. not as much retouching for a 4x6 as for a 16x20). We only charge if it is a fix that was not the photographers fault (i.e. switching out two expressions based on personal preference), and then we quote specifically for that image. For almbums, the image is only retouch based on what is needed- a closeup in an 11x14 book is retouched more than the 6 images per page in an 8x8 book, but again, we never charge a fee for that. To us, retouching is finishing our product and is built into the cost of each print and each album.</p>
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<p>Woah, I clearly didn't explain the question well enough....my apologies. <br>

The groom has acne scars...that's what he's saying he doesn't like. I have 1500 images to give the couple and my package does not include a 30 second photoshop fix on his face on every image that he's in. Sorry no way-I process and edit everything on my own. <br>

I do not offer prints, yes, I lose a lot of money by giving the couple the images on a disc, but I also only shoot about 8 weddings per year because I'm a full time pre-dental student. <br>

If you were in my shoes, the poor photographer who doesn't offer prints, but needs to make a little money from image-retouching (a problem that isn't my fault), what would you recommend?</p>

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<p>He knows he has scars and he cannot expect you (or any photographer) to edit those out for free. It's part of his appearance.<br>

Figure out how long it actually takes you to do one photo and charge accordingly for your time. Whether you want to do it by the hour or by the photo, that's up to you - just make sure it's worth your time.<br>

I distinguish between regular editing (white balance, cropping, b&w etc.) and extensive photoshopping (removing double-chins, blemishes). The former is part of any package, the latter is clearly not and always extra.</p>

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This is why I often use the Softar 1 filter from Zeiss. You will get a lot of acceptable images not requiring retouching. However if they still aren't happy then you have to charge accordingly. Our fees are rated per hour. Since you are a pro, charge for professional rates, such as $50 an hour to $500 an hour. The higher you charge the less retouching you will have to do!


Enlargements over an 8X10 we include the retouching. For example an 11X14 will cost the client about $100, without the frame, but it does include mounting.

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<p>I would figure out how much time you think it takes to do the work and then come up with a price that you feel makes it worth your while yet is reasonable for them and then you can let them know how much your price will be per photo and ask them which ones they want worked on. No way would you be doing every image from the entire day, that would be crazy.</p>
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<p>I don't ever charge my bride and groom's extra for simple things such as pimple removal. I feel like that just comes with part of editing. I edit my fav's let them see them and then if they like others and want them edited more (which isn't very often) I will edit up to 10% of the pics without a charge. That's part of the service they pay for in the beginning.</p>
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<p>Thank you everyone for your responses. It was helpful. Let me add though that I charge about $1200 per wedding and I have no print fees. No, my photography does not suck otherwise I wouldn't be shooting weddings. I simply charge less than most pros...when I should be charging more, but I get some great business this way.<br>

For those of you who do not charge additional fees to "remove a pimple" I would imagine that you charge a heck of a lot more than $1200 dollars per wedding, if that was the case for me, I wouldn't charge to remove a pimple or two on a few shots. However, the wedding that I was specifically referring to above was a $50,000 dollar Persian wedding and they decided they wanted to spend $1,200 on their photographer. So when the groom approaches me asking that each picture of him be edited "as to remove my acne scars on my face" of course I will be charging them for that kind of work since it's not included in the package of $1200.</p>

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<p>I agree with Jessica. the wedding fee should include your labor to be there at the wedding, using your high end equip, and bring your knowledge of photography so that the wedding pics will be more than just little snap and shoots gathered from all the guests. some simple conversions to bw or sepia should be included but sometimes the only proper way to edit someone's face or fat arm requires tedious ps techniques and layers which may take a few minutes per shot. so, if your getting 1200 for maybe about 5 hours coverage yielding about 225 p/h then spending 5 more hours editing everything it starts to eat away at profit and before you know it you've spend 10 more hours and the bride is still not happy. <br>

perhaps offering packages for editing starting from $200-500 depending on how many pics and what needed to be done. </p>


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In general and I do me in general, so don't jump all over me for saying this. Persian's "In general," expect a lot for little money. My suggestion is clearly to nagotiate by telling them your normal price for example is $20 per image, but you will do it for 1/2 that, because you expect them to REFER you to more clients. Hope this gives you an understanding that you should give them some sort of break so they feel great about the deal.
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<p>"acne scars " mmm that’s not few second touch up. I would give him a bulk number of prints you will retouch for free, say 25, and the rest are $10 a picture. He chooses another 40 to retouch, its $400 in your wallet. As soon as it starts hitting the wallet, people quickly learn. I think this is good approach because you do give something for free, which shows your good and kind heart, and it also shows your business and professional side. <br>

Anything you do for free will never be appreciated!!!</p>


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