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<p>Hello. I intend to buy the i7-920, I need a suitable motherboard, and a Graphic card, probably the Sapphire 4890 Vapor x 2Gb, or the former 4870 2Gb + RAM DDR3 - Do not care about Overclocking as I need them for Photoshop and Lightroom, Heard that vista and 64 bit is the only way to reach12Gb , do not no though if any system without OC can surpass 8Gb. Anyway which motherboard do you suggest and which grapic card?<br>

What I do now is that my set up has to be tripple channel. <br>

Will the CPU recognize the 12Gb RAM ?<br>

Is Intels motherboards more suitable than<strong> </strong> Assus P6T SE ?<br>

Is RAM at 1333MHz</p>


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<p >I also heard that Sapphire's 5870 is supporting Directx 11.</p>

<p >Is that really necessary for Photoshop and Lightroom - running simultaneously ? </p>

<p >Is 12 Gb to much ? and is even the quad core to much? </p>


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<p>These questions all depend on how much you want to future proof? How long do you wish to last for? Some people buy new $500 computers every two years, others buy $2000 computers every four years.</p>

<p>If you are not in a hurry, i'd wait until q1 of 2010 and go i9 6 core instead of i7 four core.</p>

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<p>I like the overclockers forum. It's moderated well, mostly adults, and everyone is polite and helpful. It's far from most gaming forums where most flame away like kids.<br>

But it sounds like you have most of your bases covered. Except hard drives. You're building a very fast box, yet you haven't mentioned hdd's. It's within your budget to RAID O two velociraptors and this would keep up with your cpu and ram.</p>

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<p>I was thinking of <br>

Western Digital -Caviar Green 1TB HDD (32MB Cache, Sata, WD10EADS)<br>

as a technician told me that drives with high rpm tend to fail easier htan those with 7200 rpm<br>

I will use a ssd drive for my windows, and use a different drive for all my other software.<br /> then I will have a drive as WORKING GROUND - and do a double back on two Western Digital -Caviar Green.</p>


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