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<p>I'm in the process of making this oval print a more traditional rectangle. I began by cloning the background, but I think a better avenue would be to find a similar background, edit the color and replace the background all together. Then silo the subject.</p>

<p>Any ideas on where I could track down such a background? Or perhaps I some input on creating something similar in PS with the pattern maker?</p>

<p>Or...any other ideas welcome? </p>


<p>Thanks in advance.<img src="http://tonyfletcher.com/~pickup/Sites/filechute/tonyfdesign_032.jpg" alt="" /></p>

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<p>IPhoto has some Royalty Free antique backgrounds, dont know what they charge but that could be one source. <br /> http://www.istockphoto.com/file_search.php?action=file&galleryID=8550<br /> Another option would be to make one yourself. Just go to an Art Supply Store, buying a sheet of paper, they have almost endless choices in many sizes.... <br /> Make a pic of it, then change it in PS to the color that will match the photo. Many times I pick a color from an image with an eyedropper and use that color for a frame liner and frame, etc... You could just pick one from this background, then paint it on the one you make.</p>
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<p>Adjust your paint brush between 10-20% opacity, select your colors and paint.<br />Try too paint in one stroke or the colors will be darker on the overlap.</p>

<p>I would imagine you can make a layer and paint the layer, but the steps above is how I did that photo.</p>


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  • 2 weeks later...

<p>Hello everyone-thanks again for the tips. I just ended up using the clone tool to replicate the background. I then made a new layer of texture/noise to match the original photo's texture and "multiplied" that over my new work. I think it turned out well:<br>

<img src="http://tonyfletcher.com/~pickup/Sites/filechute/Bbay_original_flat.jpg" alt="" /></p>

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