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Tokina 11-16mm on 5D: Pretty sharp in extreme corners!


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<p>Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 is rightfully famous for being sharp from corner to corner in cropped cameras. I wondered how it might work on a 5D (although it is not designed for FF, but it perfectly fits and works on FF at 16mm without vignetting, if stopped down). So here is the extreme corner on left, down at 100%</p>

<p><img src="http://i38.tinypic.com/25hn9nc.jpg" alt="" width="644" height="438" /></p>

<p>The setup:<br /> Camera mounted on tripod, Mirror-locked up, self-timer, f/11.0, 4s, ISO100.<br /> Raw conversion in ACR. Color temperature correction. Default sharpening - Amount: 25, Radius: 1, Detail:25</p>

<p>No need to say, but the center of the photo was indeed very sharp.<br /> We can see a slight color fringing, though it was stopped down to f/11.<br /> I don't know how it can be compared to dedicated UWA lenses, as I have none.</p>

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<p>That is pretty impressive. Is there any possibility of the mirror hitting the lens? I think some of the third-party crop-frame lenses are built with full-frame mirror clearance, which would be a lot safer than using one of Canon's EF-S lenses.</p>

<p>Also did you notice if distortion was a problem?</p>

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<p>Nice shot Lawrence!<br>

Alan, I didn't see any difference while mounting and shooting with this lens compared to any FF lenses. And I haven't heard anyone reporting a problem. About distortion, I can't make any comment, because I did not have any straight line across the frame. Ken Rockwell has commented on this issue in his review.</p>

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