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Minimum tripod/head needs for Sigma 50mm - 500mm & Canon 40d


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<p>Looking for suggestions for minimum needs for a tripod and head that is sturdy enough for a canon 40d with attached sigma 50mm - 500mm zoom. Is it safe to assume that a ball type head is what is best for my situation and equipment???? This will be for surfing photography shooting from the beach only. College student with minimum funds, so price is definitely an issue for me. Suggestions where to buy used would also be quite helpful...............Thanks</p>
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<p>For a 500mm plus the crop factor (effective fov of a 800mm lens) you need to be looking at a gimbal head not a ball head, much much better for tracking. Wimberly are the best known and most expensive but several other firms make them.</p>

<p>Here is the best value one that I found http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/search?Ntt=manfrotto+gimbal&N=0&InitialSearch=yes</p>

<p>I do surf photography but with a 300 and FF sometimes with a 2x converter and sometimes with a 1.3 crop camera.</p>

<p>Hope this helps, Scott.</p>

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<p>If trying to go for a minimal cost, a good used tripod might be worth considering. That can vary with what's out there, of course. If you don't mind carrying the weight, an aluminum tripod would be less expensive than going for carbon fiber - although you might have some added maintenance with the aluminum dealing with cleaning the salt water, etc., but even a cf tripod would have some metal parts and would need cleaning. Something like the Slik Pro 700 dx should handle the Bigma and the Manfrotto head mentioned. You may need to have some kind of expanded "foot" to keep the legs on top of the sand, although pushing into the sand may be possible. One shouldn't push too hard or far into the sand as it can force the legs apart and damage the tripod.</p>
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