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Remote flash trigger


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<p>Hello everyone!</p>

<p>I own a nikon D80 and an SB-600 flash. I've been experimenting with off camera flash for quite a bit and now need a second flash. I presently use the CLS system to trigger my SB-600 remotely as I work from close distances and it works quite well for what I do (indoor). I especially like to be able to adjust flash power directly from the camera.<br>

I am now considering a non-CLS capable flash (older model, to save $$$) or another SB-600. If I go the no-CLS way (this means I need an optical slave or radio trigger), is there anyway I can still keep the CLS function of my current SB-600 flash?<br>

Thanks for any help!</p>

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<p>In short, no. It's one way or the other. And, of course, there's no way to make your SB-600 trigger like a standard flash (remotely) without buying some more stuff... because it has no simple optical slave feature, and no PC connector you can use to hook it up to radio triggers without a hot shoe adapter. Another CLS strobe will probably make your life easier, and with a pair of SB-600s, you'll also know what to expect in terms of power ratios between them, consistent color temps, etc.</p>
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<p>Possibly. If you put an optical trigger on the older flash, it will fire when it sees the iTTL preflash, which is not good. There is a way around that, in theory. If you have that second flash set in manual mode (of course) and then set it to something like 1/4 power level, it just might be able to quickly fire when the second main burst comes from your SB-600. Haven't tried this, but I think it might work. There might also be optical triggers available now that can ignore the preflash and just go off when they "see" the main flash. If these do exist (B&H? Midwest Photo? FLashZebra.com?) they should work. I agree that a second SB-600 would be a lot easier.</p>

<p>Kent in SD</p>

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<p>Hi Charles,<br>

I have a SU-800 and Sb's and seems to me that most of us start as you are. I would assume that in near future you are enjoing monolights that can be cheaper than SBs with much more power.Why not mix those?<br>

I would bet that you are not so concerned with CLS as far as you might want control your light in manual mode. So take a look at radioppoper that promises high sync, groups ( as SU-800 does ) and commander for monolights - like AB and speedlights<br>

Good luck, Rubens</p>

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