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POTW 2009/10/11


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<p>It's been a loooooong time since I posted anything to the POTW thread. The past few months haven't been easy and I wasn't in a very photographic mood. Things have improved greatly in recent weeks, and I'm starting to feel the itch again :-)</p>

<p>These were taken yesterday, Saturday, in or around Boston.</p>

<p align="center"><img src="http://lh3.ggpht.com/_i6tc3TCyOTA/StFaZZWgfDI/AAAAAAAACns/7e12VMsx9BY/s800/IMGP5988-small.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p align="center"><img src="http://lh3.ggpht.com/_i6tc3TCyOTA/StFaaVAEWHI/AAAAAAAACnw/Zjbv3aqEyk0/s800/IMGP6064-small.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>The lady below was staring intently at the <a href="http://www.nehm.com/">Holocaust Memorial</a> next to Boston's Quincy Market; I tried to capture what she must have been feeling reading the words on the entrance stone.</p>

<p align="center"><img src="http://lh3.ggpht.com/_i6tc3TCyOTA/StFacFRJvkI/AAAAAAAACn8/k05Gr_BFnxc/s800/IMGP6084-small.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>Because three is the posting limit, I'll simply link to a few other photos I liked from today: <a href="http://lh4.ggpht.com/_i6tc3TCyOTA/StFadJLyhsI/AAAAAAAACoA/eNp08_IRLiA/s800/IMGP6094-small.jpg">one,</a> <a href="http://lh6.ggpht.com/_i6tc3TCyOTA/StFaImLmQ4I/AAAAAAAACnQ/_aY-8IeW7wI/s800/IMGP5976-small.jpg">two</a> and <a href="http://lh3.ggpht.com/_i6tc3TCyOTA/StFabch0FUI/AAAAAAAACn0/jbonM1RA7Kw/s800/IMGP6068-small.jpg">three.</a></p>

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<p>1 and 3 are fantastic. Just plain gorgeous photography. In photo 1 there is so much of life going on that I am drawn into the scene. I wonder what the blonde is thinking or if she is conscious of, and even enjoying, being photographed. In 3 the emotion / expression on the woman's face is powerful. That is real emotion- often I think we get used to emotion as we see emotion portrayed by actors. When you see real thought/emotion of a person's face it is moving. The eyes don't lie.</p>


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<p>Thanks guys, I appreciate the comments. It was quite a day for kisses...I also got <a href="http://lh3.ggpht.com/_i6tc3TCyOTA/StFr_CwNVlI/AAAAAAAACoI/3bsLYFemFko/s800/IMGP6078-small%20fixed.jpg">this one.</a></p>

<p>Javier, I like #1 very much. The photo was initially meant to be of the blonde girl, because I saw her carrying some dress shoes in her hand while walking around in flip-flops; I thought that was funny. When I got down on my knee to frame the shot, I saw the couple to my left kiss, and I snapped the shot. Half a second later they finished kissing, the blond girl looked away, and a few seconds later the train arrived and it was all over. Truly a decisive moment shot that I was lucky to catch. And to answer your question, I had the Tammy 17-35mm f/2.8-4 on my K10D. The shot was at 35mm, wide open, and ISO1600.</p>

<p>John, nope, the blonde girl didn't realise I was photographing her. I'm glad you appreciate #3--I'm annoyed that jacket on the right is getting in the way. The guy walked into the frame as I took the shot; when I repositioned myself to have him out of the frame, the lady stood up and walked away. You win some, you lose some.</p>

<p>Ben, I think you need to explain what the hell is going on in your photo. 32 seconds? The Moon with detail? Esplein it to me, man! Cool shot, by the way :-)</p>

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<p>Mis , I was going to post an hour ago but got distracted. I'm glad I did because your first shot blows me away. The blond IS looking right at you. I believe we have an Elvis sighting. The girl in the foreground is certainly kissing a close facsimile - look at those sideburns! The immediacy of the shot is intense. That is a Decisive Moment. Congratulations. I also like the intent look of the woman at the monument and the fire escapes.</p>

<p>I spent a short time on Friday with my K10D and Tamron 90mm macro in a garden in the Bronx. Here are three shots:</p><div>00UiOL-179479584.jpg.56b96d93b198dbfe579d4a3c8e6b6799.jpg</div>

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<p>Jose, That Tamy, the 17-35F/2.8-4.0 became my official favorite lens yesterday and was affirmed today as I shot at the beach...Truly, I am amazed at how well it does wide open to stopped down pretty much to F/16...aT F/8 it is razor sharp...I love the DOF of the lens as is evidenced by that first wonderful capture at F/4.O...Wonderful!</p>
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<p>Ok, I went completely old school....<br>

These two portraits I shot on Hollywood Blvd with my Pentax Spotmatic SP2, Super Tak 35F/3.5 wide open and Tri-x400 film processed by samys pro lab...I waited and waited until the light was just right...<br>

<img src="http://i404.photobucket.com/albums/pp128/jgredline/Spotmaticsp235mmtri-x40021.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p><img src="http://i404.photobucket.com/albums/pp128/jgredline/Spotmaticsp235mmtri-x40022.jpg" alt="" /></p>

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<p>I agree that the first one is a real cracker, nice one.</p>

<p>I went out today with the intention to take street shots, then got stopped by the light on some leaves. So something different this week. Bear in mind I've never taken a macro shot before in my life!</p><div>00UiQB-179491684.jpg.811f60c23b0c50177b1c19f827fb87fa.jpg</div>

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<p>@Mis, you always capture the mood and the beauty of a specific moment. This kiss shot is lovely and I have to say the 2nd picture intrigues me in the tattoo and the hidden face of the girl. I would love to see a follow up shot on #3 with a partial view of the Holocaust memorial that she was staring. </p>

<p>@Jarvier, I can't tell the performer from the real star, superb shot with your superTak. When I tried to focus with the one spotie that I sold you, I could not focus easily with the default focusing screen and I have no idea how you managed to get sharp pictures with that Spotie.</p>

<p>@Camus, I am jealous of your leave shots.</p>


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<p align="center"><strong>#1 Lighting Fixture<br /> </strong></p>

<p align="center">with <a href="http://techtheman.blogspot.com/2008/09/vivitar-135mm-f28-12-macro-from-komine.html">Vivitar 135mm f/2.8 1:2 close-focusing lens</a></p>

<p align="center">from Komine</p>

<p align="center"><a href="http://techtheman.blogspot.com/2008/09/vivitar-135mm-f28-12-macro-from-komine.html"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3196/3059979341_1f4818d1f5_b.jpg" alt="" width="560" height="834" /> </a></p>


<p align="center"><strong>#2 Oktoberfest</strong></p>

<p align="center">with <a href="http://www.techtheman.com/2009/10/tamron-sp-80-200mm-f28-adaptall-2-30a.html">Tamron SP 80-200mm f/2.8 adaptall-2 30A</a></p>

<p align="center">new found love with adaptall-2 lens</p>

<p align="center"><a href="http://www.techtheman.com/2009/10/tamron-sp-80-200mm-f28-adaptall-2-30a.html"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2512/3993921083_a4d828b261_b.jpg" alt="" width="560" height="843" /> </a></p>

<p> </p>

<p align="center"><strong>#3 I love Green</strong></p>

<p align="center">with <a href="http://www.techtheman.com/2008/03/tamron-70-300-di-ld-macro-test-shots.html">Tamron 70-300mm f/4.0-5.6 Di LD macro</a></p>

<p align="center">Picture inspires me for <a href="http://www.techtheman.com/2009/10/going-green-in-blogging.html">Going Green in Blogging Efforts</a></p>

<p align="center"><a href="http://www.techtheman.com/2009/10/going-green-in-blogging.html"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2503/3985361444_eeee30ca81_b.jpg" alt="" width="561" height="844" /> </a></p>


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<p>Great start Mis...Those shots are beautiful...And everyone else,wo... Last week I posted a couple of hiking shots. This week - <strong>Hiker's Reward</strong> / <em>Bar Harbor Summer Ale</em> DA <a href="mailto:16-45@23mm,1/10sec,4.0">16-45@23mm,1/10sec,4.0</a>@ISO100<a href="http://s407.photobucket.com/albums/pp153/marzrw/pow%208-23-09/?action=view&current=BarHarbor14SummerAle.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp153/marzrw/pow%208-23-09/BarHarbor14SummerAle.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket" /></a> <em><strong>Popover</strong> at Jordan Pond House</em> DA 16-45@34mm,1/125sec,f5.6<a href="http://s407.photobucket.com/albums/pp153/marzrw/pow%208-23-09/?action=view&current=JordanPond08HousePopover.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp153/marzrw/pow%208-23-09/JordanPond08HousePopover.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket" /></a></p>
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<p>After Mis' shots... I wasn't going to post but here are a couple from Pisa. Fabulous shots Mis!!!! K10D, 16-50mm DA*, ISO 400, 1/125s, f/7.1. Pisa from the top of the Tower.</p>

<p><a title="Pisa by Fnawzm, on Flickr" href=" Pisa src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3457/3998007833_63f6c6036f_o.jpg" alt="Pisa" width="428" height="640" /></a></p>

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<p>Mis: #3 tells the dramatic story. The intensity of expression on the young girls face captures the eye making the coat tail disappear.<br>

Howard: That Tamron 90 is really working now :).<br>

Camus: Classical B&W!<br>

Patrick: #1 takes the eye up the full length of the shot. Beautifully done.<br>

Great posts everyone.</p>

<p>The elevator here is from the 80's and was an entity viewed from Calgary Trail on the way into Edmonton. Now gone and replaced by miles of residential homes. The captions are a little tongue-in-cheek, not meant to be offensive.<br>

#3 was played with in CS3.<br>

All Pentax 6x7 on Ekt. 64. Exposure data lost.</p><div>00UiXw-179547584.jpg.ab5eac13fe80ec47b744f11705fe9d4d.jpg</div>

Tony Evans
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