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Lightroom 2.5 Adj Brush after Grad filter, crashes

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<p>Windows XP Pro 4g ram, over 6Gb HD space in multiple drives with 88Gb unused on C, 102Gb unused on D and 328Gb left on F.</p>

<p>Sequence went like this: Imported, key worded, selected one image, opened Grad filter to add some contrast, decrease exposure, looked good. Opened Adj Brush to open some shadow but never got there... LR crashed, error msg sent.</p>

<p>Is it just me? or is this a re-occurrence of the same Adj Brush problem I had in V2.something? Any fix?</p>

<p>Thanks... t</p>

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<p>Which serviec pack are you running for XP Pro? I have had good luck compressing my catalog when things get a bit buggy (check the help files for optimizing your catalog). I'm using vista 32 bit 4gb ram. I do the actions you mentioned often and haven't seen that particular crash, but I'm using a different OS so take it with a grain of salt. Is the crash repeatable? does it happen every time? If its memory related then maybe optimizing your catalog might help. Good luck hope this helps a bit.<br>

Ted Tahquechi</p>

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<p>check for newer video drivers; light room uses hardware acceleration when it can find it, creating lot more of crashes, then before over simple stuff</p>

<p> it doesn't happen to me (I have a nvidia sli setup, and a ati crossfire setup), and I used to have the problem that the when I used the adjustment brush, if I made the area it applied to about 75% percent of the photo it would get slower and slower to add more area to it, but 2.4 made that all better</p>

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