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Nikon 17-55 wooshing while zooming


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<p>Hi all<br /> I just noticed that when I zoom in and out with my 17-55 Nikon it has this woosh-ing noise coming from it when I zoom fast from 17-55 I can hear it the loudest at 35-55mm<br /> it still focuses very quick it's just when zooming. I hope it's nothing major and it's just me. but I'd rather ask if anyone else noticed that.<br /> I realize this lens weighs a lot and the mechanism has a lot to move (all that glass).<br /> Thanks in advance.</p>
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<p>I remember that same sucking and blowing sound with my D70 and kit lens. It's from the compressing and extending of the lens groups within the barrel, sucking and pushing air. Quite a thought, with a sensor less than an inch away. My Sony kit lens does it too.</p>
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<p>so you're saying it's nothing to worry about?<br>

great, I've had this lens for only two months and love it. I also noticed my Sigma 70-200 does the same but since all the guts are inside it's not as obvious as 17-55 where the rear element is moving in and out.<br>

thanks mates I am gonna sleep better.</p>


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