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<p>Time to upload just one image - your favorite - from this or last week. Make sure it is 700 pixels or less in width - AND - make sure to enter a caption in the caption box on that page where you've uploaded. Some details about the shot would be helpful By posting - you agree to allow your image to be chosen for discussion and critique for the week. One will be chosen at random. This is not a contest - but simply an image that we'll discuss. Positive as well as constructive suggestions are what will occur. HOWEVER - IF you wish to post your image but DO NOT WANT to be considered for critique - please say so in your caption. Images that show as a link will be deleted and you'll be asked to re-post. Newcomers and Pros are both welcome to post in this thread. The thread will be closed late on Tuesday. Look for the choice on Wednesday. Please do not start the critique in this thread ;-)</p>
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<p>Here's mine. We were walking towards the trellis in the background and dropped down a bit and asked the bride to turn and look and give me a smile. Personally bummed that I didn't have my fill flash on, but I still like the shot. Details: Nikon D300, 85mm f/1.8@ f/3.5, 1/100th, ISO 100. Available light, sunlight from camera left.</p><div>00Ubem-176347584.jpg.4e7b5e6e788bca38635ad0db6afcd08c.jpg</div>
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<p><em>"Mine never get picked..." -Missy K</em><br>


If it's not picked you can certainly post it in a separate thread and request a critique. Seems funny to me, bunches of images are offered-up for the Wedding POW to be critiqued (and some feel "ripped apart") but it's rare that anyone is willing to post one in a thread requesting critique. There's also been some stellar submissions submitted for the Wedding POW (an image by Ian & Danzel comes to mind) but images with very little room for improvement can be passed by in favor of images with room for improvement. Although threads requesting critiques on site galleries or a wedding folder are pretty common, single image reviews seem to have become much less frequent over the past few years.</p>

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<p>thanks dave! i agree there are a bunch of nice images that get posted for the POW but never get talked about because there may be others with more room for critique. rather than "critique" which is very subjective, i think it would be more value added if pictures were posted to showcase a shot with comments based on a theme for the week. for example, come up with a theme for the week (ex. ring shot) and lets post our favorite from the weekend sharing information like what we did (ex. asked bride and groom to hold rings over bouquet), why we did it (ex. to use the bouquet as a simple background and show off the rings and bride's nails), and how we did it (equipment, camera settings, tripod, etc.). we'd probably get a variety of ways to get great ring shots or whatever the theme of the week happens to be. it would be nice to know what was in the mind of the photographer, what the elements were that they had to deal with, etc, when a shot was taken. another example: the shot by wayne is really a great way to show off the back of the dress, on top of the fact that the details are there in the dress and the highlights aren't blown out.</p>
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