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Camera Safety in Vietnam?


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<p>Hallo Rowena,<br>

We visited all 3 the cities mentioned last year and all I can say is that the people all over Vietnam are fantastic and very friendly. We had no incidents whatsoever and yet we were also "Warned" If you have travelled before then you would just be as cautious as anywhere else in the world. leo Laksi mentioned that Crime exists everywhere in the world and he is so right. My husband and myself travelled to Vietnam & Cambodia doing a "Kill 2 birds with one stone" scenario and we came back with only great memories of how fantastic the people are in both countries. I off-course live in South Africa which is at present rated the 2nd (SECOND) Highest Crime Ridden country in the World and maybe due to this I cannot relax wherever I go on holiday-always clutching my handbag out of sheer habit or maybe we are just constantly aware-You are certainly going to enjoy your Trip and return home with a lot of beautiful memories-Enjoy-Warmest Regards-Johanna</p>

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