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Looking For Answer on PicturesToExe Software


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<p>I just started using <em>PicturesToExe</em> to create slideshows and am really enjoying it.</p>

<p>However, I think I may have out-smarted myself and was hoping that someone out there with decent knowledge of the software could help answer a question:</p>

<p>I decided to try adding my price list to the DVD so that, as clients watched the gallery, they could refer to the prices of albums, prints, etc. I took my album price list, which is in PDF format, and created a separate JPG for each page and created a new slideshow for it. I set the slideshow to not automatically play the slideshow but, instead, require the viewer to click a button or key to move forward. During the preview, it behaved the way I wanted it to.</p>

<p>The problem arose when I burned the DVD. I slid the DVD into the player, everything pulled up on my tv, but each page of the price list only showed for about 4 seconds before automatically flipping to the next slide/page. I can set a different rate for the slide to change, but I want the viewer to have to manually go to the next page/slide.</p>

<p>Any ideas?</p>

<p>Happy Friday!</p>


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<p>DVDs are designed for <em>motion </em>pictures. They do not do manually advanced slide shows. You could try setting a <em>really</em> long delay and making each page a "chapter" (I don't know how to do this in your software), but then it will take up a huge amount of space on the DVD.</p>
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<p>Thanks Trent. I've decided that I'll make the price list an Exe file on the DVD. That way the gallery will still play on DVD players but the client also has the opportunity to drop the DVD into their computer and launch the price list slide show (which can be navigated with button clicks)</p>
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