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Self portraits


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<p>Rembrandt. Oops, not a photographer, but he was one of the first artists heavily into self-promotions. He made hundreds of self-portrait etchings that he had printed up and distributed durning his life. Reading about that kind of changed my attitude about self-portraits. Besides you are always availabble when you want to do some testing.</p>


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<p>My experience is that there is no more difficult subject than yourself. Without the subject / photographer interaction, your smile usually comes out looking fake ........ because it is. <br>

My advice is to have somebody else take your picture, even if it's somebody who doesn't know squat about photography. </p>

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<p>One really good book from the 1970s/80s, (can't remember exactly when) is one called "Russian Self Portraits" The "photographer" set up a backdrop and lights somewhere in Russia with a polaroid large format camera and invited passers-by to take their own pictures. The results were a stunning view of a society we don't normally see much of.</p>

<p>I don't have the book with me and I can't remember the author, but it is worth looking out for.</p>

<p>I think self portraiture is something everyone should do. And if your smile appears fake, don't smile!</p>



<p>PS, just found a link to the book: <a href="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Russian-Self-Portraits---David-Attie-(s%2Fb)_W0QQitemZ390100984212QQcmdZViewItemQQimsxq20091002?IMSfp=TL0910021610002r4583">http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Russian-Self-Portraits---David-Attie-(s%2Fb)_W0QQitemZ390100984212QQcmdZViewItemQQimsxq20091002?IMSfp=TL0910021610002r4583</a></p>

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